So, I’m kind of new to the dating, and considering the state of the pandemic I’ve mostly turned to online dating/dating apps to meet new people instead of going out.

With that in mind I’ve managed to meet some very interesting people, some of which I already video chatted and such. However, I always seem to struggle in keeping the conversation going, even if it’s about mundane topics (weather, current events, etc.) I fail to maintain a steady flow, and with some of the people I’m talking they don’t take it very well, seeming offended by it, even though I don’t have any ill intent with leaving them hanging, sometimes in focused on some chore, busy or just not near my phone to be able to answer in time.

Am I wrong? Should I be dedicating more time and trying to give more attention to the people I’m chatting with? How does one keep the conversation going and interesting?

TL;DR: I’m new to dating, trying to talk to people but can’t keep the conversation going.

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