I’m a dude (30M) and I have very, very little social media that is connected to my real life identity, and practically no social media use. I have a facebook that I use to talk to my mum, and I have a LinkedIn that I haven’t updated in six months and has no information other than my name and the state I live in. I use Reddit, though it isn’t linked to my real world identity, and I have a few other things that I use for messaging people; mostly Discord and Signal.

I’m not really abstaining out of any paranoid sense of “zuckerberg gonna get muh data” or anything along those lines; I just don’t really see the point and I wouldn’t get anything out of it on a personal level.

I also don’t know how I’d feel if someone I was seeing didn’t have any social media. I know that if they placed a large amount of importance on their social media, I would see that as a negative, but I don’t know what I’d think if there was *nothing*, or as little as I have. Granted, I probably wouldn’t have a clue what kind of social media presence they have anyway, seeing as I wouldn’t go looking.

Thoughts? If someone didn’t appear on social media at all, how would you interpret that?

  1. Staying off the grid is not awkward but actually highly healthy. Too many anxieties and depression linked with it.

  2. Everyone is on there phone all the damn time anymore. Most men who are successful with women play themselves up on social media.

  3. I think it’s not a red flag for someone that is also not on social media. For someone that is on sm… maybe, not necessarily.

  4. I would hope more people follow your example. Social media has been the cause of WAY too much emotional strife and reduction of communication skills.

  5. I like people that use no social media. No tiktok or insta. I just feel like if they do they’re gonna have unrealistic standards that I could never reach cause supermodels run the those apps

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