for context I am a male who’s attracted to women romantically/sexually and I have been constantly fantasying about it even as a young kid and I have never felt the urge to do anything sexual with a male irl and don’t think about men sexually when I watch porn I usually skip the sexual scenes but one time I was watching the oral scene as a 14 year old and for some reason I could imagine the feeling the women had when she was sucking the man but outside of that I never thought about sucking a man’s dick what does this mean?

  1. If it’s a thought you’d like to take action on, go for it! If it’s a thought that’s resulted in you sympathizing with the woman giving a man pleasure then that’s all it is.

    At the end of the day you’re the one that makes the decision on what you want or don’t want. Take some time to reflect on what your desires are.

  2. If you are a man who is romantically and sexually attracted to women, you’re straight.

    If you are a human being who has had a thought pass through your mind and could imagine the experience of another person, you have some empathy.

    No need to over think it.

  3. It means you were a horny kid and fantasized once.

    Almost no one is 100% straight. Especially, when just beginning to explore sex and sexuality. Typically straight men can have gay dreams and it means absolutely nothing. Fantasies are just dreams while awake. They don’t mean anything unless we can’t let them go.

    That being said, you could be slightly bisexual. Giving oral pleasure is a known fetish. I’ve met more than a few guys that consider themselves heterosexual but in a group setting like to suck dick and eat pussy.

  4. If u are not getting enough blowjobs urself You are just curious, u probably hear ur women say I cant, I dont want to suck ur cock, then ur mind is telling u how hard can be and wanna try for urself

  5. It is an amazing feeling when the oral play goes both way for a man and women but when it starts getting one sided it could be a problem

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