Is this shit normal, even if I cross my legs or walk. It feels weird, kind of uncomfortable. Unnecessarily stimulating 😬

  1. This is a normal human bodily function. A clit is a tiny penis. Or more accurately, a penis is a large clitoris.

  2. It’s your extra sensitive fun button. Lol. Enjoy it! From a male perspective that’s a great way to let us know that you are very turned on. I imagine if you stimulate that along with your G spot area that you will send your body into overdrive.

  3. Clitorises have erections, just like penises. Blood rushes to them and they get hard. Enjoy it!

  4. This is completely normal, it’s caused by arousal, by excitement
    Taken by Google:
    An adult’s clitoris usually swells because of sexual excitement or arousal. During arousal, more blood flows to the genitals, and the clitoris can fill up and appear larger. A similar process occurs in the penis. Blood flow quickly returns to normal after orgasm, and the clitoris returns to its usual size.

  5. You’ll miss it when it doesn’t happen anymore… I got the female equivalent of ED from an antipsychotic and that’s caused me to lose most of the sensation in my clit. I’m no longer on that drug but the damage is done.

  6. It’s erectile tissue. Like a guy’s glans swells up when aroused, yours does the same.

  7. Your body didn’t develop with the intention of crossing its legs or walking (away) when aroused. If you’re that turned on, the body’s plan is to stay where you are and spread your legs. The engorgement makes it more likely that you will continue to be turned on, producing the lubrication needed to facilitate, or at least prevent damage during, penetration.

  8. Try not orgasming sitting on the back of a motorcycle. My Canada Day rocked ahaha

  9. because it fills with blood like a dick does. clits get erect the same as dicks. they’re just obv not as big

  10. The clit and the penis come from the same tissue anatomically and are both capable of erections. Completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of or worried about at all.

  11. Clits get hard when aroused like a penis does. I’m a trans man and testosterone has made my clit big enough to the point you can see it be visibly harder/bigger. It’s wild.

  12. You should definitely have that checked out by a medical professional ASAP, because according to your profile, you were a male less than a month ago. You should also go see a psychiatrist about your belief in astrology and your inability to keep track of your lies.

  13. I feel it too! Normally for me it’s like a very excited and fast heartbeat and it does make things like crossing legs feel weird but I think it’s fun sometimes!

  14. A Clitoris is just undeveloped penis.

    “During early development the gonads of the fetus remain undifferentiated; that is, all fetal genitalia are the same and are phenotypically female. After approximately 6 to 7 weeks of gestation, however, the expression of a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that result in the development of the testes.”

  15. Because a clit has the same basic structures as a penis. Glans, foreskin, erectile tissues. Both are made from the same tissues as an embryo.

    The clitoris gets erect when aroused. It’s just not talked about much

  16. Dammn! Embrace i guess? A doctor would be able to diagnose that; not reddit if it’s painful get it looked at. If it’s pleasurable getting sucked/played/licked

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