So I’ve 24f been seeing this guy 25M for about 4 months now and it was so perfect in the beginning we clicked right off the bat kind of thing. We had sex all the time and all of a sudden we stopped having sex it’s been two months now… every time I’ve tried to have sex with him he tells me no. I know for sureeee I’m the only girl he is seeing bc we are together 24/7 and I stay the night all the time like he wouldn’t have time to be with someone behind my back kind of thing. Now that we are not having sex anymore I’m noticing his behavior and how he treats me and honestly I don’t like it. I’ve never been in a relationship and have never had to have hard conversations with someone like this. I guess I’m asking how do I bring up the issues I’m having with him? Like what do I say to start it off and then go into how I’m feeling? I would like to be with him but if he can’t change and make me feel better in this relationship I can’t do it anymore :/

  1. Just talk to him. Don’t go with an agenda. Start a conversation, see how it goes, improvise and make it work.

    I hope things fall back in place for the two of you.

  2. It depends on the guy. I like things to be direct and honest so I would rather have someone tell me exactly how they feel.

  3. :/ ask him why y’all aren’t having sex anymore and maybe stop hanging out ALL the time. That can be very overwhelming for a lot of people.

  4. I second that maybe don’t go over there as much. But I don’t care what anyone says I thought how could my sons dad have time to cheat he found a way. Trust me if there’s a desire to they will find away. But totally not saying that’s this situation. Definitely just talk be straight forward and honest.

  5. Just say it like it is for you. You’re not responsible for his feelings and how he takes your feedback.

    Your needs are important and respect from a partner is not negotiable.

    Also, he won’t change. People don’t and men reeeeally don’t.

  6. Talk to him, tell him your needs. This probably isn’t the guy for you. But, for the future, express yourself and your needs. Try new things sexually, blindfolds, toys, restraints, the list goes on.

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