I’m (24M) just lonely Af. I never been in a real relationship or have much experience in sex. I am an average guy with good life and career. I am good with most of the things except girls and dating. Whenever I meet an interesting girl, I get this feeling of talking to them, being with them and treat them nicely. So later some point of time I have this kind of behavior is unhealthy and not attractive. Made be realized all the red flags of my past such as insecurity, desperation, neediness. I just wanna change this, but how? I get this anxiety if won’t get the reply to mesg, I might send them multiple messages in a day,this made me realize the boundary issues with me.

I’m acting like a creepy neighbor who thinks he is being nice but he is not.

I am screwing up my life with insecurity, desperation, neediness, and clinginess. I am trying to control all of my feelings, but I’m developing early attachments with most of the girls, it hurts be when girls ghost me suddenly or blocks.

I’m genuinely happy to hear how to change myself, I don’t know these things when happening. I can’t control my impulses. I’m not creepy or something but I’m scared if this continues I might make someone the same. Help me how to build healthy relationship and control such feelings…. Can having hobbies or friends help with this?

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