What’s something that you enjoy even though you’re not good at it?

  1. I recently started running.

    I will never be Usain Bolt. I huff a lot during and honestly, I doubt that I will ever get under a 12 minute mile but I really do love it.

    It gets my head right. I love that I work up a sweat. I also found a great running podcast.

    I wish I would’ve started sooner.

  2. Ice skating. I can only go in the circle around the rink but still love it. Can’t do any tricks or anything.

  3. Sleeping. I require pharmaceutical assistance, and even then I’m still not great at it, but I still love it.

  4. Does having a day without crippling anxiety count? Because I really enjoy it although I’m not good at it. Either that or arts and crafts. 🤗

  5. The last of us 2. That game scares the shit out of me but it’s sooooo good

  6. playing the piano! i think we as a society place too much importance on being good at everything we attempt nowadays. like, i’m good at other stuff, but i’m really bad skill wise at playing the piano. doesn’t stop me from playing my simple little songs whenever i can, it brings me a lot of peace and fulfillment

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