Do I risk my lower paying job that’s kind of in my field, for travel job where I travel nationwide for 2-6 weeks at at a time exactly in my field?

  1. Depends, can you travel and socialize? If you’re the type who hates to travel and struggles to interact with and network with new people, then you might be better suited to this. Otherwise the latter job sounds much better.

  2. If you have little kids i would recommend against it. If you are single yes this is a good opportunity if you want to stay in this field.

  3. Assuming that you’re not married with children, 100% do it and don’t look back!

  4. I’d do it. They’ll probably pay for your expenses so you’ll make much more.

  5. I looked at your past posts, and I don’t know if $22/hour is worth the stress and hassle of traveling frequently for 2-6 weeks at a time. You’ll most likely be flying, which means time at the airport as part of your travel time. Plus, you’ll most likely need to be fully vaccinated, as COVID is making a comeback and vaccines will most likely be pushed again. If you don’t plan to get your boosters, you may not be able to travel to all parts of the US if this happens.

    I’d also consider everything that would need to be taken care of while your gone – family, house, yard, etc. If you can make everything work, it may be worth it to you.

    I used to travel frequently for a job, pre-COVID, and the hassle of the airport made me hate my job. I made closer to $30/hour and I still would have taken a lower paying job to be closer to home more frequently. I didn’t have kids either, it was just a hassle to get to the airport early, wait in line at security (pre check helped a little), and wait in the airport for my flight. My company also had a spending limit so I frequently had layovers which sucked. And I got tired of being hotel rooms so often and having to deal with meals in a hotel mini kitchen or their meesly morning buffets. I wouldn’t do it again for less than $80/hour because of all the hassle it brings.

  6. The pay of $22 per hour is really low for all the time spent traveling.
    I was making between $35-45 per hour when working as a telecom analyst and the travel was brutal at the airports especially to smaller cities.
    I got stuck in the Quad Cities during a blizzard for a few days then had to drive back home because there were no flights.

  7. How are you going to be traveling? If it’s in your own personal car, there is no way it’s worth it. If your employer is paying for your plane tickets, then yes.

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