I got so mad after the Chiefs lost one time so I took my shotgun and hit the TV with it while screaming at the top of my lungs. Eventually I took all my Chiefs memorabilia outside and started firing my gun at it while screaming (like Rambo, y’know?)

My neighbor said “You alright pal?” I looked at him and screamed “Get out of here. Now!”

People always say “Is it better to be feared or respected?”. Well, is it too much to ask for both?

  1. Assuming I realized you were taking it out on material things instead of people, I would call the police and monitor till they got there. Point that shotgun towards a person and my monitoring now put a hole or two center mass.

    Just so you are aware, an active shooter is an active shooter, even if he is not killing at the moment. You are a threat, nothing else, just like everyone else I have put bullets in.

    Edit just another thought. You would hopefully be lucky enough I realized you were just a moron shooting jerseys prior to me, or someone like me, putting you down.
    Go see a therapist before you kill, get killed, or put in prison. You should be in prison right now though. Manhood, masculinity, and badassery does not come from a gun, you are simply a violent douchebag.

  2. Retreat.
    Call 911.
    Grab my gun and wait. And if you even an inch enter my apartment you are dead.

    P.S. I would neither respect nor fear you. I would consider you a threat which I would neutralise if necessary.

  3. We live in a nice area far away from any shitholes, so I don’t have to worry about Chiefs fans.

  4. UK here. Nobody’s got guns so if there’s screaming coming from the neighbours house is curtain twitching time or the foxes are fucking.

    If hell froze over and I was insane enough to live next to someone who would take their tantrums out on their stuff with a shotgun, I’m calling the cops.

    Randomly blasting the fuck out of your shit doesn’t get you respect, it gets your gun taken off you. And preferably your family and liberty.

  5. Keep in mind: OP is a troll that likes to lie about being in the military and had recently shifted to posting pedphilic stuff. Very creepy.

  6. Damn I respected you until I heard you’re a chiefs fan we’re in Broncos country

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