How can I be more like myself around my bf

Me (24F) and my bf (24M) been together for a few months and sometimes I feel like I am not really my true self. I am somehow more careful of what I say to the point where I start to feel boring and not say anything.

This is my own fault, because when we met I was trying to go through some sort of self growth and be more feminine ( more passive and quiet as I read online) but now I regret this because it seems stupid and I realised its better to be just be yourself.

Sometimes when we are with other people I try to open up and be more like my true self, he seems to go along with it.

For example we went to a party with his colleagues ( whom I didnt know) and I honestly felt like myself that day, laughing and saying what s on my mind and being my bubbly self. He wasnt bothered or anything, we actually had fun together and joked around.

I just dont know how to remain myself constantly because sometimes I still get anxiety and begin to overthink my behavior. I also thought about breaking up but I really like him and we are very sexually compatible. He makes plans with me for the future, he takes care of me, he always wants me around but respects my no when im busy, etc

We also dont have messy fights, when we argue we seem to handle it pretty well (calmly) and I always told him whats bothering me, and he tried to fix it and listened.

Also this problem isnt just with him. Its with my new college classmates as well because they also met me when I was like this. Now I have anxiety meeting both them and my bf and I am trying to ease into my true self with everyone.

tl;dr: when i met my bf i tried to be more passive and quited and now i dont know how to be my true self around him.

1 comment
  1. I think i missed something here. He seems to be fine with you acting yourself, talkative and all, why break up thought? Just slowly act like yourself, let him and yourself adapt. If anyone doesnt like your true self when you show then they arent the one (friend, boyfriend both) so dont hesitate about it, keep the worthy ones in your life

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