What age did you move out and why?

  1. 18. For college. Then back home for the summer. Then back to college at 19. Then home for the summer. Then back to school at 20. Then home for the summer.

    Now I’m 21 and moving to Ireland for a year of school.

  2. Officially, at age 22, which is when I updated drivers license and voters registration. Technically, 18, since I wasn’t home much after heading off to college.

  3. I was a pawn in mother’s “child support” scam. I left as soon as I turned 18 and was no longer covered by her court ordered “custody.”

  4. 20. When I started to work, I had the means and no longer felt like cycling 45 minutes to a fro so I moved closer to work and hence: to the city.

  5. 21, was too lazy to do it earlier and had no need to. Started to get annoyed by this so decided I needed a big change in my life, took up an internship in Kenya for half a year and once I came back I took up the first best room that was available.

    Best decision of my life

  6. Technically when I was 16. My dad’s work was forcing him to move around the world a lot and I was sick of having no stable friends other than the online ones. My parents agreed and provided me with my own, small apartment.

    They stopped supporting me financially when I was 19 or 20, if I recall.

  7. 38 and I still live with my mom. Fuck house prices and fuck paying rent to some one else. At least my mom spends the rent on stuff that can benefit me

  8. 18 and still in high school. Crashed on a friend’s couch for a few months until I graduated. Why? Couldn’t live in my parents toxic home any longer. They were too controlling and the fact I wasn’t taking their bullshit any more only added to the tension level. I didn’t talk to them for about 4 years after and that was only because my sisters were actively behind the scenes trying to repair things. That was over 30 years ago and let’s just say there will always be a strain between me and my folks. Cautionary tale stuff: if you want a relationship with your kids when they are adults, don’t beat on them when they are children. They NEVER forget. And stop yelling in the home.

  9. 31. Living with girlfriend for 4 years. We broke up and then moved back home for a few months before buying a condo.

    For men, moving out as soon as possible is the first key to a happy life. Shame it took me so long to figure this out.

  10. 23

    I moved back home after college, and then moved out on my own once I found a decent job and a roommate.

    My parents wanted me to stay home and save money for a house, but they were also totally up my ass about everything, so it was easier to just move out than to keep fighting about everything.

  11. 23 which is right when I graduated college. I moved out to get better internet especially since covid started shortly after and I had to WFH for over a year.

  12. 19 for college, returned at 22 for two years and had to have a full time job to stay. I paid off my student debt during that two years and had to pay $50 per week room and board. They saved that money and gave it back to me as a gift when I moved out permanently at 24

  13. 16 got emancipated and moved in with a friends family.

    My “parents” were alcoholic, abusive and just overall horrible people.

  14. 18 y/o, 4 days after HS graduation, enlisted in The US Navy for 6 years, best decision of my life.

  15. 23 and still living at home, saving up for driving lessons and a car first, don’t see the point in just jumping into the first affordable rented flat I can find as it’s just throwing money down the drain

  16. I bought a house and moved out at the beginning of 2019 at 26 years old. Some might say I moved out late. But it gave me time to save for a down payment. I had zero privacy at my parents which was a huge motivator as to why I moved out. Parents get annoying the older you get

  17. Immediately after college because my parents and I both sort of expected that I would do that.

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