Women, what do you think when another woman is interested in you/flirts with you?

  1. If I’m attracted to them I get nervous as hell and don’t know what to do.

  2. I’m usually the last to know and then confused. Flattered, but feel bad cause don’t want to hurt them as I am straight 🤷‍♀️

  3. Totally can’t pick up on this! I had an instance where a new friend who I really enjoyed was kind of trying to “date” me or start a romantic relationship. Did not realize until after about 5 hangs and one bouquet of flowers. In that instance, I wish she would have been upfront about it from the start. It did make me uncomfortable only because I felt like I wasn’t in on what was going on.

  4. I like women so I don’t really think any specific thing when a woman approaches me. I just let them know I have a girlfriend and then hopefully they react respectfully.

  5. I’m a lesbian so pretty dang happy lol. I’m very shy and have an intimidating look, so I don’t get approached as often as I’d like =

  6. I literally cannot tell if someone is interested in me. If my life was on the line and the only way to survive was to figure out if a woman was flirting with me, i’d be dead yesterday.

    So I automatically assume no one ever does. Which makes it even harder when I get a vibe someone might like me because I can never tell if I’m getting that vibe because they do, or if its because I want them to.

  7. I wouldn’t notice, I don’t pick up on anyone flirting with me very easily if at all.

  8. Usually I don’t realize until after. But if I can tell while we’re talking I just make her laugh and give her something to think about after I never see her again hahaha. It seems woman hit on me more than men.

  9. Girlie I don’t swing that way anymore, but let me introduce you to my other friends right there. 😌

  10. I’d think.. she has excellent taste.

    Honestly.. I’d be flattered. But much in the same way when men come on to me.. I’d be all “no Thankyou”

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