My boyfriend moved out of his roommates apartment a few months ago. He asked me a few days ago how I would feel moving in with him… honestly, it got me really excited. But on the other hand, seems from what I’ve read, once you move in the sex drops a ton? I feel right now we have sex every time I go over to his place. And my biggest worry is once I move in, will that dynamic change from other people’s experience?

  1. When you move in sex will go up for a bit and then go down again. Because you live together the excitement of seeing each other is kind of killed, you are always around. You both need to make efforts to being romantic, keeping that spark, not becoming complacent.

    It’s tough sometimes, other times it’s great.

  2. I moved out with my partner a few months ago and have really struggled with the change in dynamic, sex has become a rarity to the point it feels like we are just housemates now instead of a couple

  3. Believe it or not, what you expect may not actually occur:

    It may just be that you and your bf will continue to have wild, exciting sex every night you can! Or it may fizzle out in a few days; this may happen, it’s true.

    However, what is MOST important is that your relationship is moving forward!! For this reason, I strongly suggest you let him move in. It’ll help you get to know each other better and also help you practice and improve your interactions. More intimacy is the name of the game.

  4. Lived with my now wife for just over 4 years and have been dating for 12 overall.

    Ups and downs of the amount but we probably do it just the same as we did before. The daily grind of life/house chores can eat into it though which is the change

  5. It’s difficult to say what will happen.

    If you look for more “dating” each other and keeping things on the surface, it can kill that tension by real life situations like mowing the lawn or cleaning house or just seeing him taking a crap. The moments of you two being away from each other and longing will be less.

    It can also deepen your relationship. Seeing each other in more vulnerable situations can shed a light on the relationship.

    It’s normal to fear any change. That’s human. Nobody can say what you should do, but don’t let yourself guide by fear. So if this is the objection, you better do it. But if you feel fine by just dating because this is what you really want, keep it to that.

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