I’ve done blue collar work since my teens. In my 20s I got into healthcare (hospitals, nursing homes, EMS, direct care, home health.)

I worked long hours, been through many stressful and sometimes traumatic situations and now in my 30s I feel burned out. I don’t take pride in working like I used to. I feel stupid for sacrificing so much of my time and my mental health for mediocre pay. I very much enjoyed the part of helping people in need but it came at the cost of my own mental health.

I want to be high functioning again. Be a good provider for my family, not stress about money, but I can’t get past the mental block that feels like I’m exhausting myself just to keep my head above water.

I don’t take pride in busting my ass anymore. I don’t see people valuing hard workers. I see men getting ahead through nepotism and women getting ahead by sleeping with higher ups. It all just feels like a game I’m sick of playing.

How can I get out of this slump?

  1. 1. When you’re working, if it’s something you’re not particularly interested in, give your brain to it but not your heart.

    2. To make life enjoyable you have to enjoy your work because that’s where you’ll spend a good portion of your entire life. So keep searching for ways you can monetize your interests and a way will show up.

    3. Learn to take breaks because those who don’t know how to detach from their work, aren’t great at doing their work either.

    4. If you think learning a certain skillset will almost guarantee a better paying job with much more satisfaction, be willing to take risk and learn the skill.

  2. Take your work seriously, not the people around you.
    Get there on time, and most importantly, leave on time.
    And always take more money. Employers are not loyal to you. Don’t be loyal to them.

  3. For 18 year I didn’t. Now I have a new career and I actually help people

  4. Hard work, doing your job well, etc. gives you cards to play. It may not be enough to move up as fast as you want, but by showing value, it lets you take advantage of opportunities when they come up. If you do not work hard, it is more difficult to exploit opportunities, because you won’t be as valued.

    Who are you going to fight for as a boss, business owner, competitor, etc., the guy that does the bare minimum, or your top guy?

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