Women who workout at the gym with their long hair down, why?

  1. I personally have worked out with my hair down like twice , i only did it bc i felt ugly with my hair up and wanted to see how i felt with it down . also it wasnt too hot so i thought why not . but ill never do that again lol

  2. never worked out wjth my hair down around machines tho so i cant answer that one

  3. I’ve only worked out with my hair down when I forget to bring a hair tie. I asked around and no one had an extra so I didn’t have a choice

  4. For various reasons, as we age or color or chemically treat our hair, it puts added strain on it. I wear my hair in a ponytail to exercise, but I have lost some at my temples and my widow’s peak is not what it once was. As a result, I prefer to wear it down more now than when I was younger overall to keep as much of it as I can.

  5. I like running outside with my hair down because it’s curly and I like feeling it bounce but I never do this around machines or with close contact sports because it’ll get in the way.

  6. Either a) I forgot to bring my hair tie with me or b) I *didn’t* forget it- but it snapped either when I was tying my hair or during a workout.

  7. I have a round face and a little bit of a double chin and I feel like the length of my hair when it’s down draws the eye down and away from those features. Also due to working a desk job and not having great posture I had a teeny little doWagers hump behind my neck and I could never get it to go away and so having my hair down kind of keeps that from being noticeable

  8. Putting up hair is bad for the hair but I usually have two hair bands and ponytail. If I get headaches from pulling it back, I wear it down. It blows in my face either way and gets stuck to the lip balm either way because it’s to my waist.

  9. I had long wavy/curly hair and I didn’t wanna wash it the next day so I left it out

  10. this puzzles me too. I saw a lady at the running track today, doing laps with her long hair untied. fascinated me but I can’t do it. even if I wear a hat or visor I need my hair in a pony tail before any sort of workout.

  11. I don’t work out at the gym, but I know a lot of women don’t put their hair up because of the damage hair ties can cause. I rarely put my long hair up for this very reason. I have to be in ninety plus degree weather or extremely windy weather for me to put my hair up, but it is because I damaged my hair quite a bit years ago from wearing it up too much.

  12. I don’t like my hair up under any circumstances, it’s uncomfortable. I like being comfortable at the gym. I don’t understand why this is so controversial.

  13. I like looking at it and looking my best when I workout, for myself. I don’t care if anyone else is at the gym, I just feel more confident if my hair is down. If its up, I feel more self conscious.

  14. to look cute. some days i’ll wear it up and other days i want to look hot, so i’ll wear some makeup and my matching workout clothes and wear my hair down to do low impact exercises.

  15. I’m currently growing my hair out from having a short haircut.. so my hair is at that awkward stage where it’s too short to put up into a pony tail, but when I bobby pin it up it just falls out while I’m working out.
    So I’ve just gave up at trying to keep my hair out of my face.

  16. * Don’t want to create a dent in the hair
    * Feel insecure about hair up. Ears, sideburns, thinning hair, hairy or short neck, buffalo hump, scars, face size or shape insecurities are to name a few.
    * Want to look cute for a love interest
    * Forgot hair tie
    * Hair tie snapped or got lost

  17. It hurts to pull it back sometimes. Doesn’t bother me to have it down as much

  18. I used to tie my hair all the time and then I noticed my self always ties my hair every minute because I have a LOTs of hair and my hair is THICK. It always unties by itself when I work out. So I decided to just let my hair down when I work out. It’s annoying that my hair sometimes on my face but it’s more annoying when I have to tie my hair every minute. Plus I don’t have a skill to braid it either.

  19. Honestly it’s for gym selfies . I don’t like the way my hair looks up in a pony tail.

  20. My long hair pulls my hairline back if I keep it in a bun. If I have it in a low bun, sometimes it gets in the way. It’s the most comfortable sometimes.

  21. Very slippery very very thick hair, pretty much any solution to tie it up while doing anything high impact either falls out or hurts my head+damages my hair (even braids, if they’re not painfully tight they will fall out).

    Also I find a bouncing bun/pony tail way more annoying.

  22. I could never.

    I work in retail and my hair is mid-shoulderblade length but it’s so THICK and fluffy. I get depression knots in between showers (every 2 days).

    I sweat so bad. When I put my hair up my body instantly cools off.

  23. Man I have this issue with my bike. I like putting my hair up in a clip but my helmet prevents that.

  24. 90% of the time its in a ponytail but sometimes its down, it doesnt bother me so its whatever

  25. It high key makes me feel bad ass. Like a stronk warrior goddess with long firey locks and I can fucking snap your puny neck between my thunder thighs of mother fuckin wrath.

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