So, I still live at home. My parents are Mexican and have strong Mexican cultural morals going on at home. My boyfriend always wants me to sleepover at his place but I tell him that I can too often because my dad doesn’t like that stay over and views it more as a “not having respect for myself” thing. My bf tells me I’m an adult and I should make decisions for myself… I don’t think he understands how disrespectful that sounds to me… I understand I’m 25 and an adult but I also want to respect my dad because I still live under his roof. Help???!!

  1. How long have you’ve been dating this guy?
    And also it just sounds like he wants to bang

  2. You probably just need to be clear what **you** want and would do. Are you only not staying at his place because of your father? If your father was okay with it, would you still not stay there as often as he wants? If you didn’t live with your father currently but lived on your own, would you stay over at his place more often. Other topics like if you could you see yourself living with a romantic partner before engagement or marriage, even if your father would be against that should be discussed so he understands your wants.

  3. My parents are the same way, super old school christian and thinking me staying at my girlfriend’s was a massive sin and disgusting and wrong, even though I convinced them I was just staying on her couch we weren’t sleeping together (ofc we were) they hated it and treated me like garbage for a few days after it would happen. I luckily moved out and they never had to know where I was again, so it’s just a super annoying thing you gotta stick out until you can move on from them. I think it’s sort of fair to be respecting your parents and not be sleeping over in exchange for them letting you live at home rent free and still providing you food and basic needs and such.

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