I literally had a guy told me I wasn’t that short. When I told him I was around 5’2 maybe a little shorter than that. I’m like I get told I’m short all the time. And he said I was perfect size. He is 5’10-5’11. I’m like to me that’s a bit tall. Does anyone short can add anything??? My question is do you think this is crazy for not calling short at all, when I know I am???

  1. That’s a good ratio of height. The big advantages are that when you hug you can turn your head sideways and rest your cheek against their chest. You can turn straight ahead and you are in prime forehead kiss territory. You can stand on your toes when you kiss, which to me is the sweetest like there’s a sense of urgency and need.

  2. What is your question? Whether people think 5″2 is short? Or 5″11 tall? Or something else?

  3. I also want to clarify I told a guy who was 6’3 that I could never reach him because he was too tall for me. And he said no you can reach me fine. I’m like no I can’t not even on my top toes I can’t

  4. I’m 5’1 and I don’t consider myself short as there are a lot of girls around the same height as me so it seems like the average norm.

  5. I’m 5’2” and my fiancé is 5’10”. Our height difference looks great in photos when I’m in flats and heels! I definitely consider myself short (and so does my fiancé) but at the end of the day, if you’re into each other, who cares what he thinks about your height?

  6. Why are you so obsessed with needing to be called short? Like that’s really quite odd.

    Also, the average height of a woman in the US is 5’4”… honestly at 5’2” you’re shorter than the average, sure, but you’re objectively not that short compared to the average.

    I’m 5’6” (two inches over the average) and would not consider myself tall. Above average, sure, but not tall.

  7. You’re short, but not dramatically so. The average height for women is 5’4″ so you’re only 2 inches below that.

    Don’t forget the average isn’t everyone is 5’4″, it’s that there are enough women around, above, and below that to settle it at 5’4″… so 5’2″ isn’t super rare.

    It’s like there are plenty of guys who are in the 5’7″ or 5’8″ range, despite the average being 5’10”. They’re not *short* in the sense that a really short guy would be, but they are short.

    Have you met him in person? I wonder if he’s actually not 5’10”.

  8. It’s his own opinion which everyone has. Maybe short to him is under 5’? It could even be that he thought he was being nice because he thought you didn’t like being called short? I dunno. Just, no need to think too much into it and just enjoy now

  9. It’s only 2 inches shorter than average so it’s not *that* short.

  10. It seems that everyone nowadays just wants to pick at anything and everything. Just come out and admit that you aren’t really looking for someone you can relate to, get along with, and enjoy the journey together with. In reality, you just want to complain that no one on Earth is good enough!!

  11. are you one of those girls that says “I’m not short Im fun sized!“

    to be this obsessed with this sounds strange. the average height for women is 5’4. imagine a 5’6 girl wondering why a guy won’t call her tall

  12. Maybe he could sense you were insecure about this and meant it as an encouragement. It defs doesn’t say anything bad about him.

    I think you should just try to relax and enjoy the process!

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