I feel ashamed and embarrassed that ive become like this. Its gotten so bad in person people hate talking to me. Im really awkward now i either dont know what to say back or I say the wrong things.

  1. Why do you think that you say the wrong things? Decent people will not care if you say something stupid once in a while. We’re all thinking about ourselves first.

    It’s ok to be awkward. We all are, to some extent. Personally I find awkward people more relatable and trustworthy. But if it keeps making you feel bad about yourself, then it becomes a sort of vicious circle: I’m awkward in a conversation –> My self esteem falls –> I become more awkward.

  2. I don’t really like talking in online games I mean I don’t look for it , it happens on its own hahaha ,

    I played some rocket league and some dude just started free styling and I was so curious in a good way how he does that and we started talking and this happened so many times I don’t really like to play with people who add me but I will from time to time

    In real life if you’re so nervous etc just be nice& positive ~ I went to a hotel this week and the dude that carry’s the bags said have a nice holiday and I said you too…….. and I said it again just to laugh at myself for saying it and he said I’m always on vecation bro you fuck up just laugh it off

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