So basically I got dumped while I was in Europe for work. And it caught me off guard because things were great she was my best friend on top of my girlfriend. I was truly in love. For a little back round I was married before to my high-school sweetheart and thing’s didn’t work out. I was devastated and went through some dark times. I wasn’t looking to get romantically involved for a while because I wanted to work on myself. When I ment my recent ex we started as friends and I told her upfront my intentions were to just be friends. Well one thing led to another and we ended up dating and I fell hard I had never been in a relationship like this where we were open honest and mature and just clicked so much. But anyways back to what I need advice on is how do you move on from this. And I know I’d been through heart break before but this was different I loved my ex wife and It hurt for a bit but not like this. I am completely and totally just broken by this relationship I mean I have never loved a woman like I did her and I don’t know if I ever will again. I hate feeling like this over someone who doesn’t want me but I’d do anything to get back with her. I guess I just need to know how do I move on and heal and be okay with being single. I know the old saying about time heals all but it’s been over a month and I feel like it’s getting worse. Any advice sorry I know this is alot and I’m sure I have Grammer mistakes and it’s not formatted Yada Yada Yada but I just would like some advice thank you

  1. So you are divorced and had another serious relationship end and you are only 25?

    Maybe it’s time to pump the breaks on relationships and focus on yourself.

    Some people don’t get married until their 30s, you have plenty of time. My advice? Live your life how you want, be selfish, have fun. Your person will come when it is time.

  2. Sorry to hear about this ☹️ It takes time, depending on how long you were with the person and how strong the feelings were. I know it’s okay easier said than done. Let yourself feel whatever you need to feel. The pain won’t last forever.

    Something someone once told me that’s helped me in the past is, if someone decides they don’t want to be with you, they can’t possibly be the one.

    Be kind to yourself and spend time with your friends. Focus on your hobbies, maybe pick up a new hobby and treat yourself. I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but being single and having more time to yourself can be refreshing.

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