Hardly can speak in person how can I help myself?

So to keep things short I’m a very shy guy and sometimes I just can’t say or pronounce a word and then I give up and just sit there in awkward silence. How can I get better at it?

Over chat I’m writing much it is complete the opposite and I can communicate my feelings and emotions over the chat better than in person. Also starting conversations or asking things I can hardly do in person but over the chat it is the complete opposite. I would rather chat than talk because I’m so scared 😳

Can I somehow get better talking in person and not be that shy and anxious?

Thank you guys/girls in advance!

  1. Try to be open and shameless about yourself. Talk more about what you’ve done in the day, week, plan to do on the weekend, life, tonight, etc. Even the things you think are the smallest or most mundane.

    Keeps the conversation goin with your openness and initiation and makes the other person feel more comfortable to jump on points that you bring up and is also better than just asking questions and making the other person/people have to talk.

  2. Look up Toastmasters. They are a club specifically created to help people with public speaking. Everyone is there for the same reason, they have trouble speaking to people or doing public speaking, so there is no shame in going and stumbling over every word you say or taking 5 minutes to get out two sentences.
    It is more focused on public speaking, but you will not be in front of a large crowd! Don’t think that, instead it will be a small group of people who use the meeting time to practice speaking and that’s it!

  3. If you’re good in chat, when you chat online say what you type out loud to yourself. Just to get better at physically speaking. Then when you’ve practiced, put it to use in person. Start slow. Maybe think in text first to know what to say… not sure if picturing that would help but it makes sense in my head. Good luck!

  4. Honestly I used to be like this too. What helped me is that I got a job in a busy cafe and I just faked it till I made it. I tried to be as talkative and extroverted with my customers as possible and took comfort in the fact that they didn’t know how shy and introverted I actually was. By doing this I quickly became able to have a conversation with anyone and everyone and it really helped build my confidence. Then I slowly started using my newfound confidence with people in my personal life.

    I stutter a lot as well when I talk. It’s like my mouth can’t keep up with my brain at times but when I’m talking to someone and I stutter I take a deep breath and slowly reiterate what I was saying before.

    You’ve got this! Just relax and take your time.

  5. It’s probably a lack of knowledge about what to ask rather than not being able to ask, know you can ask what’s how’s when’s where’s about just about anything

    Coffee?- how do you like your coffee … where did you drink the best coffee…. When do you like drinking coffee the most,, obviously not all of them are good for any situation but use some common sense


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