What product do you absolutely love, that’s actually intended for the opposite sex?

  1. Not a man, but I hope I can give my female perspective: men’s clothing and shoes.

  2. I wouldn’t say I love em but they have saved my ass a few times. That would be feminine hygiene products. When you need to stop the bleeding there ain’t much better.

  3. Body wash, shampoos, ecc… I want an “argan and almonds” body wash not a “powerful musk” one.

  4. I don’t love it but I will concede that women’s deodorant is much much stronger, I keep a bar for emergencies, Suave Coconut Jawn.

  5. Hair conditioner. I wish there was conditioner (not 2 in 1) made for men that I could get at the Walmart near my house.

  6. Perfume. A lot of really high end perfume is now starting to be labelled as unisex. Because you can’t really gender a smell. Absolute compliment pullers! And people like being around you if you smell good

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