Often times I’m given a multitude of advice as a result of a failed relationship. Move on. You deserve better. Plenty of fish in the sea.

Personally, I still obsess over ended relationships, I’m still nervous about making my interest/feelings known, and at times when I should be myself, i reserve myself ( shy away in a passive way). I’m try not to beat myself up for not being able to live up to the advice the minute they are given. I know it takes time, but I am curious dispite all the advice given, what are some you are still trying to apply or have taken you a while to apply? For those who are married, did all those relationship advice actually help? Which ones do you think is worth considering & dismissing?

  1. Pay attention even to the little things.
    Apologize even if you’re sure you’re right.
    Do something without being asked.
    Buy your SO something other than when it’s their birthday or holiday.

  2. Stop chasing beauty and focus on how she makes you feel. If you’re giving a lot more than her, then step back and evaluate the relationship. It could be totally one sided. And the biggest bit of advice – don’t make decisions based on sex.

  3. Stop playing video games and spend more time with the gf….still working on it…

  4. Communication is very vital in a relationship. Make sure you have at least some time for her each day.

    My girlfriend told me last night that I was working too much and I needed more time for my personal life. We had a heavy argument about it a few days ago but I did apologise and I hope that I can make more time for her at least

  5. Stop being insecure about needing support and allow yourself to be vulnerable. It’s okay to ask for help

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