Since it may be important for the sake of my question, I’m a 20 year old male. For about the past year now, I’ve noticed that I end up ejaculating MUCH quicker than I used to. For example, i’m high school and the first year of Uni I was able to masturbate(with my hand or a toy) and have sex for about an hour tops without being able to finish, now It’ll be only about 7 minutes tops before I feel like I’m about to be done. There are quite a few things that have happened to me in the past year that may also be relevant to my problem, including being admitted to a rehab facility due to a mental breakdown over school, developing worse anxiety and depression(led to rehab) received a BUTT LOAD of meds from the facility and then dropped all of them at once because i couldn’t get an appointment to continue the prescriptions, general stress from renting my first place, having to move back home after dropping out of school, and gaining about 40 pounds in the span of 5-6 months while i was on the meds and at my lowest point mentally. as you may have guessed, I am ashamed that i’ve been having this problem and it’s been about 8 months since i had sex with another person( right before i was sent to rehab). Is this normal? Is this something i can fix? I feel like a failure enough and now i can’t stop telling myself that i suck because it feels like it’s one thing after the other lately. I’d really appreciate any kind of advice reddit can give me.

p.s. also forgot to mention another major ish thing that has changed in the past year and a half is that i started smoking marijuana recreationally and medicinally and it’s been on an almost daily basis.

  1. Hi. Pharmacy professional here.

    There are many good reasons to post questions to Reddit Sex.

    This question is best answered by a specialist: a Dr. in Urology. I suggest you make an appointment with your Dr. thru your insurance and ask for a Urologist appointment, or let the general practice answer this question.

    Do not be afraid to tell your doctor the entire truth of your situation. Medical professionals are required to keep your privacy.

  2. Sure there is a lot going on in your life which to some extent might have something to do with it.

    But here I will use Occam’s Razor on your situation!

    Look – Since guys really screw with their brains and not their penises, the more you divert your attention from what is going on in your delivery system down below, the less likely you will ejaculate prematurely.

    Thus, one way to delay orgasm is to count every thrust inward, and focus your attention on the counting and not what your penis is feeling. Try to reach 100, and then start over again.

    Some men recommend stopping thrusting altogether when you sense you’re close to a climax. But I don’t advice doing this, for a simple reason. While stopping penetration can help bring down your arousal, when your woman is clearly enjoying the intercourse, it can really break the momentum and frustrate her instead.

    What I suggest is this simple penetration technique that can yield tremendous staying power for you, and yet put her on a continuous sexual high at the same time.

    [This is what you do…](

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