Heyo. 23M living in Texas. I recently moved to the state and started trying new places and getting my apartment arranged from moving in. Of course, one of the stores I go to so I can grab a bunch of things is Target. On Sunday, while shopping around I was trying to find vodka (different state laws with alcohol in stores). I couldn’t find it after going through the entire store, so I came across this (really cute, soft spoken) girl in the beauty section to ask her (I didn’t realize different Target employees specialized in different departments and that it was next to the alcohol section) where vodka was. She chuckled and asked vodka to drink? I messed around a bit and sarcastically said “no to breathe”. She was chuckling and sorry and I mentioned that I was just teasing her. Said goodbye with a smile ๐Ÿ™‚

I came Tuesday and this time I was trying to find some Vaseline. I saw her again and we said hi and talked for a bit. I asked her if I saw her on Sunday and she chuckled and said she remembers me asking about vodka. We talked for a bit, but she had to go back on shift (didn’t wanna bother her too long) and we both said bye with a smile. Like ever since then I was going to Target everyday (85% to see her and 15% to actually buy things I need). Some days she’s there and some days she isn’t, but she makes my heart flutter and I genuinely get butterflies around her. I really wanna ask her on a date when I see her again, but I’m wondering if it’s too soon or something. I really wanna get to know her and hopefully make her mine ๐Ÿ™‚ if things really turn out well, and if that doesn’t work out, that’s fine too! Any advice?

1 comment
  1. I love the 85-15%. Fucking adorable.

    She seems to like you. If you can have those butterflies for her, why isnโ€™t she able to as well, despite not knowing each other? GL!

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