My ex and I broke up a few months ago and she contacted me last month. We started hanging out and I slept over at her place and she came to mine. She said that after our break, she had slept with a guy and she is still in contact with him. I am pretty annoyed but I guess if we were to get back together, she would delete him. It feels nice hanging with her again but I don’t know how to feel. I am getting mixed emotions. I am scared to open up because if we get back together and she leaves, I will have to start the healing process all over again.

Should I still be seeing my ex, or should I leave it as is and be friends?

  1. Currently trying get an ex back myself. The reason for the breakup is very critical in determining if pursuing an ex is worth the effort. What happened?

  2. Never get back together with your ex. I don’t know any great couples that are like, “We’ve been together for thirty years, but I broke up with them for a few months and then we got back together.” The people in good long term relationships don’t ever break up and get back together.

  3. It honestly feels like you are downgrading yourself. I don’t want to judge what kind of person you ex is but I think you need to be a little stricter and respected in a relationship. If you can’t get that then even if you have lingering feelings for her that she says a few nice words after a big incident and you just go on and accept that as an apology? That doesn’t seem like something of a mutual respect yo me. You should accept a person if she truly loves you but not because she just had a problem with a guy and she just needed someone to lean on so she got back to you. That doesn’t seem like a proper relationship to me.

  4. > I am pretty annoyed but I guess if we were to get back together, she would delete him.

    you guess, huh…

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