letting her hide behind you in a fight. walking her home. being asked to go down where there is a voice in the house. how do you feel about all that?

  1. I don’t really see it as a “role” persè. I care more about my SO to be safe; so obviously I protect her.

  2. It’s just an automatic response for me. Doesn’t matter who is behind me.

  3. yes, always do that. you can never make sure she is safe enough. i try to always walk my girl home, ofc there are some exceptions when its for good, but its mostly protection that must come first

  4. Its my pleasure and also what women expect from me. Being pretty big and muscular and projecting a manly image comes with certain responsabilities. Also i wouldnt date a girl who’s into fighting, so if some shit happens i dont expect my 5’3 gf with no experience or training to team up with me and Kick ass.I’d rather her being smart enough to not get in the middle and call the police if needed.

  5. I view it like I view being tall, I’ve just accepted that part of my social duty is to reach the cans on the shelf other people can’t.

  6. If anything violent happens, better it happens to me than my wife.

  7. Depends.

    If she’s got a samurai sword, I’m totally hiding behind her.

  8. It’s my duty to protect the ones I love. I’ve been doing it since I was 11, when I hid my sister in the cabinet and sat in front of it with my BB gun.

    It’s also my duty to make sure they can protect themselves when I’m gone. Im teaching my mom to shoot and we’re getting her a ccw. My sister isn’t old enough for a gun, but I’ve taught her how to use pepper spray and fight with a knife.

    I’d give my life for my family or my girlfriend in a heartbeat. They’re the reason I leaned to fight, the reason I learned to shoot, and the reason I take care of my body.

    If you’re of the same mindset as me, don’t forget about medical training. Even basic first aid and CPR could be the difference between a hospital bill and a funeral.

  9. I’ve got 70lbs on her and way more training. I’m the logical choice to send after an intruder… gives her more time to unlock the gun.

  10. For the right woman, it’s as right as rain. But the fact that so many women just expect it kind of diminishes the good-feeling one gets from it

  11. It’s my honor. I understand that I’m bigger and stronger than my girlfriend. But it was kinda eye opening because when I expressed that that’s something I do/want to do she said she wants to do that as well for the same reasons. And it kinda put things into perspective that we both want to protect each other we just have our own unique way of doing so.

  12. I’m happy to do it as long as she’s appreciative and doesn’t act in a way that further puts me in unnecessary harm. Don’t mouth off to some jackass and expect me to automatically take a bullet for you.

  13. these comments are so sweet, they make me appreciate and respect guys more tbh

  14. I’m a nurse on a psych unit. Being 6’3, and 280lb and fairly solidly built (i don’t look 280), I’m fine being a human shield, but as most of my coworkers are women, it’s just inherently expected, which is fine. My size gives me the confidence to deal with even the most violent people with compassion.

  15. I feel super honored. Someone looks up to me for protection and I’m more than happy to defend my girlfriend/wife and even my own children at all costs. I want to make her feel good, feel safe, secure and happy in the relationship.

  16. I grew up in South Africa. We know danger and violence. I will kill for her. I feel I can, therefore I need to try. The shame endowed by not trying to defend someone when you are able and capable is too unbearable. I don’t believe this to be unfair. I believe it to be just. I am more physically capable and I can defend against much more than her. I am the vanguard. However, I expect reinforcements. If my partner is a coward then I don’t want her as my partner.

  17. Since I’m literally twice her size and much stronger it makes sense. I do however let her do the hard thinking for us so it’s a fair arrangement.

  18. I think it’s biological. Hardwired into us. There’s a reason we’re stronger and bigger (generally). I feel fine about it. I am willing and happy to embrace traditional roles.

  19. I like it. I take it as she trusts me with her safety. It’s a big responsibility and honour.

  20. I love that my girl comes to me to feel safe. Makes me feel manly as fuck.

  21. I find it comes natural when I’m in a relationship. I don’t think it’s just a man thing though. Anyone who really loves their partner wants to protect them in the ways in which they can. Men are usually bigger and stronger so they end up being the physical protector in a lot of situations but I’ve seen plenty of women who do whatever they can to protect their partner from emotional things or situations where the man is being treated wrong by someone or something

  22. Fuck that shit I’m hiding behind her. She’s had 3 babies, a bark scorpion sting, been kicked by a horse, and had a kidney stone once. She’s tougher than me.

  23. I don’t mind it, but one thing I hate that I’ve seen surprisingly often is women who start sh*t and then hide behind their man. I actually feel sorry for the dude that has to defend actions he might not endorse.. If my girlfriend ever did something like that with me she’d be on her own.

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