I got told by a family member that I can be ‘short tempered like my dad’ because I got irritated while trying to explain something to someone who really wasn’t understanding me while generally feeling irritated because my allergies are really bad today. and it has really got to me and made me more introspective of my actions. I know how hard my dad can be to live with, his whole side of the family are fiery and short tempered and I really don’t like them sometimes. To be compared to my dad makes me feel like shit. I hate how harsh that sounds because he has lots of good qualities but his snappy short tempered nature definitely isn’t something I ever wanted to inherit.
I love with my parents currently as I’ve just finished school. Can you pick up snappy/negative habits just from living with someone or are you doomed to be similar to your parents just due to being related to them?
Also, how do I stop being short tempered either way??

  1. Yes, it’s actually very natural to end up with similar habits to someone you live with if you have been together for a long time
    But I don’t know how to fix or stop this, sorry

  2. They say you are who you surround yourself with. We pick up a connection with people we live with whether we like it or not. So, living with your parents and spending much time with them, you’ll pick up traits and behaviors. Humans are social creatures and this makes sense if you ask me.

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