What do you think about “Women and children first” during a disaster?

  1. if in a dangerous situation…perhaps a sinking ship (lol), i wouldn’t complain about being the first to safety

  2. In my opinion, I think it should be: children, disabled (mentally or physically), men and women (doesn’t matter what order men or women are for me in this scenario, as long as everyone makes it out), and workers can go throughout the list

  3. Kids and disabled people first, then elderly people and then anyone who isn’t of any help when staying in the disaster.

    For example a sinking ship.. If a woman is working on a ship, or having any kind of degree that could help save people, I’d want a person like that to stay on the ship and help as long as needed. Also if you are a female olympic swimmer that can easily swim for hours in cold water maybe let someone else have your space while you swim to find help.
    And that is also the only place I heard about “women and children first”.

    In any other case: evacuate whover is in most danger first, no matter what their gender is.

  4. Children first has always made sense, women not so much. I’m more of a proponent of helping the vulnerable first, so children (+ at least the primary caregiver, preferably both parents), the elderly, disabled people, pregnant people. But the whole women and children first thing doesn’t really outrage me, since this protocol isn’t an actual law or anything.

  5. Children, yes. I don’t see how a lot of women could stand a chance against men fighting for a boat to save their lives though. I’m sure we could hold our own, but my chances aren’t great.

  6. I think they say children and women first because kids needs an adult to take care of them in case the men don’t survive? Kids need caregivers otherwise they may not survive

  7. Children definitely. As for the rest, as long as people aren’t trying to deliberately sabotage each other to be first, like a bucket of crabs, it’s all good.

  8. Children/Elderly due to being weaker and dependant on the people around them. But women are strong and just as capable as any man, so why should they go first?

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