Some people say they hate their jobs.. how can you stay motivated if you hate your job?

  1. my friends are at work & i hate my job but the pay is so good i’m making $600 more a check (from my last job) and it fulfills my spending impulses

  2. Because I’ll get fired and then I won’t have money and then I won’t have a bed to get out of

  3. Usually my dog. I have about a 30 minute window between the time I’m supposed to be up and walking her and the time she will be howling at the door telling me it’s time to get the fuck up now.

  4. Work which equals money. I think most guys have probably thought about some kinda scenario in their head of how they would quit their job if they came into a large amount of money haha.

  5. Smoke a cig in the morning and then I’m good to do whatever has to be done. Plus staying in bed too long feels shitty, gotta shower and get refreshed.

  6. God has provided me with the opportunity to breathe again n lay eyes on my child. 👌

    the possibility of discovering sumthing new.


  7. The need to pee works like charm but I’ve managed to silence it a few times. Then kicks in the hunger. If that doesn’t work, the cat will do the trick.

    Actually, the cat is capable to be number one on the list if in the proper mood.

  8. My job affords me a future that is likely out of reach for 90% of people in my age range. If I had to find another job, I fully expect my salary would get cut in half. I’m not even talking an extravagant lifestyle. I just mean a recently renovated small house with a fenced in yard, multiple dogs, two vacations a year, great health insurance, the ability to max a 401k every year, a new non-luxury car payment, a growing savings account, and the ability to pay my bills in full without any real concern of if I have enough money.

  9. The fact that my dog will shit in my bedroom if I don’t get up and take him out. And then I’m up so I may as well go about my day.

  10. Feigning for a cigarette and ready to take my kratom. Also, work, obviously.

  11. A man gets up and works. A man gets up at the crack of dawn to provide for his family. If you don’t have a family yet wake up early to start preparing to start a family. A man grits his teeth and grinds through terrible jobs. We do it because we’re men. Warriors. Gatherers. Fighters. Hunters. Protectors.

  12. I’m a single dad with 2 kids.

    I get out of bed early to enjoy a solitary cup of covfefe before they wake up.

  13. I don’t particularly enjoy my job, but I’m at a point where I get up from bed because I just do. I don’t really think about it, it’s so routine. Alarm wakes me up, I get up and do my morning routine and leave for work. I would say that I “wake up” properly around 2 hours into my workday, not because I’m tired or anything but because the first few hours of the morning are so similar from day to other that I’m on autopilot for them usually.

  14. Social interaction. I’m not much of a talker but i just like to have a group i can feel attached to

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