I’m shopping for bikinis in Florida and they are all so thin! I was avoiding ones that accentuate cameltoe but my boyfriend disagreed. What do you think?

  1. Cameltoe is sexy as fuck. Your boyfriend will likely be horny all day.

  2. Women find it gross because they’re judgey, but don’t let that get to you, most men probably find it quite hot.

  3. I didn’t like it when I was younger, then my bf said it was sexy and I realise what men really want. They want to see them camel toes.

    But decide yourself what type of bathing suit you want.

  4. It is part of life, I mean we know generally what is there. No reason to be ashamed of it.

  5. I generally don’t like it not because of how it looks, but because it’s just uncomfortable on me personally. If you don’t mind it, then go for it girl! 😀

  6. I feel the same way about my bulge. It’s not a massive one. Just the way my anatomy is. I get really self conscious at the beach but so far nobody has said anything.

  7. It’s a natural part of life imo, but if it’s your SO’s camel toe it’s one of the sexiest things in the world

  8. Part of life, same goes for visible nipples , I hate the unnatural feeling of a thick bra.

    Edit to add that I’m a lady. I don’t like the way way thick.bras feel when I am wearing them. I’m not feeling anyone else’s boobs, not that there would be anything wrong with that, just not my jam.

  9. You shouldn’t be embarassed about cameltoe to be honest, we all know what is down there so.. it is part of life 🙂

  10. 100% attractive, the allusion to someone’s body is often even more attractive than just showing it

  11. It’s hot AND a part of life

    Up to you if that’s what you are going for

  12. Part of life but I still avoid it cuz it gives that wedgie feels and hurts sometimes.

  13. Part of life. Personally I’m not comfortable showing shape definition down there, so I opt for less revealing options, but I’d never see a defined vulva in a bikini and judge the person wearing it.

  14. No judgement, but you aren’t getting me in a Speedo.

    No point in scaring people!

  15. I don’t have a cameltoe (not with my anatomy anyways) but I hate wearing anything revealing cause I have long labia and it’s so embarrassing and bathing suits, underwear all show it and it’s humiliating. However, I think it’s just a part of life. Quite honestly, I can’t take my own advice but I don’t think many people would notice or even care and if your bf disagrees, I think you should believe him.

  16. My only aversion to it is that I don’t want to feel exposed, like I don’t want that kinda attention from people you know?

  17. It is what it is.

    Same with bulge in public for guys. Some women like it, some don’t, most aren’t too concerned either way.

  18. Two things:

    1.) A better place to post about this might be r/femalefashionadvice, in the context of asking where to find thicker bikinis (if that’s what you want). It’s inevitable that you’re going to keep getting horny answers here.

    2.) In a sense, the answer is: “just a part of life, don’t get bogged down in beauty standards and peoples’ judgment around issues like this, or thigh gaps, or whatever we’re shaming women about this week.” HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean you have to let it all hang out, merely that YOU should be the only one deciding what you’re going to feel comfortable and confident in. If that’s thicker bikinis, there’s nothing wrong with that.

  19. I don’t like it for my self because I don’t want to feel self conscious walking around with my mound showing but I couldn’t care less what others do.
    My personal fave is a bulge…I mean guy in grey tracksuit pants. Yum.

  20. I think it depends on the person.

    Some people prefer modesty, or to be able to imagine.

    Some people want to see every wrinkle.

    And some people simply don’t care either way, past you know, taking a look see because the brain is an info junkie and it must be known.

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