I (25f) have been dating a man (33m) for a few months and throughout the course of that time we’ve already had a few disagreements (small but nonetheless). We have a great time when we’re around each other but there are things we don’t like about each other which is normal. Last week we were talking on the phone and I expressed wanting to spend the night because I had an interview that was literally two mins from his apartment and he kind of disregarded it, kind of rushed me off the phone then eventually ended up blocking my number. We haven’t talked in 3 days and I’m still blocked but he still has me on social media and still watches my posts. I reached out to him there and got no response. Why would he block my number but keep me on social media? Should I just move on from all this?
(TLDR: been dating a guy and he blocked me a few days ago and still has me on social media. Wondering if I should move on?)

  1. This is extremely confusing tbh.
    If I were you, I wouldn’t want anything to do with such childish behaviour

  2. Move on but it gives me the he’s hiding that he has a girlfriend/wife vibe

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