What has been some differences you’ve seen in dating women in their 20’s versus those in their 30’s?

  1. Oh boy, what a question. Well, I think women in their 20’s are more laid back to be honest, women in their 30’s tend to cherry pick all those good qualities from their ex’es and form an unrealistic expectations of whom they want to be with and impose that on guys that they date. They also pick up all the bad qualities from their ex’es and filter out a huge margin of guys they’re dating.

    They often say that these are the things they’ve learnt and trying to not repeat the mistake again but come on now, no one is that perfect and while they do this, they less likely to assess themselves like how they did with their ex’es and try to fix it.

  2. Women in their 20s generally think they’re incredibly smart and subtle. They talk to you like they need to overexplain everything and like you need to be “encouraged” to be a decent person. That, or they’re incredibly passive and submissive.

    Women in their 30s seem to have had at least one really shitty relationship and they won’t stop victimizing themselves over how the guy who took advantage of them was a massive asshole. Despite them choosing to ignore all his red flags, they will give you a detailed breakdown of all the shitty things they let him get away with and then the relationship may or may not progress to them holding you accountable for every little thing you do so you know “they’re not going to let that happen again.”

    As an aside, women in their 40s seem pretty chill and women in their 50s are ironically very similar to teenage girls in how they approach relationships. In my experience, at least.

  3. 30s+ aren’t fucking around with what they want

    They’re also more set in their ways and less likely to compromise and work for a relationship

    (anecdotal experience)

  4. as I recall, the 20’s were (and still are) truly “the Dumb Decade”..self absorption, self-stimulation, and a near total lack of any self awareness.

    30’s and beyond, people are more defined as people and def more adult.

  5. Women in their 20s are more fun, less stressed, still figuring stuff out, and have all the time in the world. You can date and proceed at your own pace, enjoy the fun and honeymoon period.

    Women in their 30s are more stressed and nearing panic mode. Every first date needs to be the *last* first date, because they’re on a baby-making timeline. They need to know that you have a stable career with promotion prospects, whether you want kids, and how many, how soon you want to get married, and when. You’re on their timeline, friend, so buckle up and hold on.

    I’ll give you an example of a woman I know who’s 31 and single. “I need to find a boyfriend who’s also husband material in the next 6 months. That way we can have one or two years of dating and partnership, so I can get married at 33. Then first kid later that year or at 34, then the second kid at 35, before I get too old.” She’s got it all planned out, except for the boyfriend/husband.

    On the flip-side, you, as the man, need to get your priorities and shit together, and decide whether she’s worth keeping around. Because the last thing you want on your conscience is to date her for a couple of years, have it fail or blow up, and know you were her last chance to have the family she always wanted. She will 100% *definitely* blame you for ‘stealing’ her last years of fertility. That’s not guilt you want to be carrying around.

  6. Women in their 20’s are idealistic. Women in their 30’s are realistic.

    The 30’s are where reality smacks them in the face.

  7. Women in their 20s are more into having fun on dates and getting to know you. In their 30s dating seemed to turn into them putting on an act of some sort. I very rarely went on a date in my 30s that felt like the woman was being genuine. One of the only ones who did is now my wife.

    Also, dating women in their 30s for me was basically after 2 dates, I’d start getting the “I need to know where this is going” speech. I had to distance myself from multiple women I actually liked because they were full speed ahead way too quickly.

  8. I am 40 and date/go out with a lot of women in their 20’s and 30’s

    Women in their 30’s tend to be a bit more in tune with what they want, or actually want something in general. They can be better with time management.. but we’ll get to that.

    They are way more stuck in their ways though which causes some friction. They also tend to come with a fuck ton of baggage, so it’s key to find someone who can cope with their issues like an adult when dating a women in her 30’s. Women in their 30’s who are *attractive* and single often had a wild ride in their 20’s and it will 100% rear it’s ugly head if they don’t have a grip on reality.

    Women in their 20’s…. I dunno, it’s sometimes hard to not feel they are just as stupid as a 17 year old guy. Atrocious time management (so like meeting for a date is a massive pain in the ass), they have very wild and big expectations, they demand perfection often due to the options they have. they bring up “trauma” excessively more often than I would have thought. And generally have no real idea what they want, they are in their 20’s after all, which causes them to change their minds a lot. And a lot of them have some very… odd, expectations of what a man or bf should be.

    On the flip side, women in their 20’s are WAY more fun, experimental both in and out of the bedroom, much more open to try new things and try to enjoy the things you like as well. Youthful energy, willingness to explore, travel, and learn new things.

    Overall, IMO, women in their 30’s and 20’s are not much different in dating, they seem to carry the same annoying quirks into their 30’s (slow/late, silly lies, some ridiculous standards/wants, etc.), but get more stubborn about it than a woman in her 20’s, yet they are more flexible and reasonable with a man in terms of him being a “good guy”. much more in tune with what life is about and what is a good, quality person.

    I don’t think women in their 20’s and 30’s are terribly “off” from one another, but the differences seem normal from just growth and life. I’m sure most of what I said applied to men too for the age ranges, this is why I think it’s kind of normal, expected for women, because I pretty much expect the same kind of growth from men. Most of us were wild idiots from like 15 – 30, don’t see why women would be any better or worse. People gunna people, pick your poison.

  9. Women in their 30’s are way more mature and don’t shy away from serious conversations.

  10. They’ve got real world experience and responsibilities, so a lot of the stupid bullshit and mindset they used to have seems to be gone. They’re also way more willing to put in actual effort into a relationship (or anything, for that matter).

    Source: after my divorce I seemed to attract a lot of younger women (I guess they were tired of idiots and wanted a man who at least had some sort of handle on keeping their life together), and the differences I was seeing firsthand was more than a little noticeable.

  11. Intelligence and confidence. Both of which are key components for a healthy relationship.

  12. Women in their 30’s are more jaded and don’t like time wasters, they know what they want and won’t settle for less than what they think they deserve.
    This is both a good thing and a bad thing, good that they know what they want, bad because having been let down by previous partners they don’t want to compromise on any of their standards so tend to miss out on finding the right guy because he’s not “perfect”.
    I feel that dating women in their 30’s consists of women who have just never found love and are just unlucky but are actually quite a catch, single mums looking for a new dad for their kids or a wallet, and girls who look perfect on paper and are really hot but have some flaw that has kept them single.

  13. Women in their thirties for the most part don’t seem to play emotional games anymore. If they like you they’ll let you know instead of playing hard to get and wasting your time for weeks and months with the back and forth. They care less about frivolous superficial things and know more about what makes a person attractive. They are not as self absorbed and they are not as pretentious. With 20’s girls, the younger they are the more easily you can group them. Hot and I know it, pamper me, oops I’m the dumb hot one but really a schemeing bitch, genuinely dumb, Im not bad looking and also have brains so I am so superior to the other girls and of course the I’m not like other girls girls. Women in their thirties I know have a solid understanding of who they are and what are their strenghts and they don’t care for men’s bullshit either.

  14. Emotional maturity and the desire for commitment are both much stronger in women over 30.

  15. 30’s are direct as hell communication wise but less open minded/won’t budge on beliefs or opinions

    20’s are the exact opposite

  16. Women in their 30s have unrealistic expectations and are more picky than girls in their 20s.

    And still complain about why they cant find a guy.

  17. Alot of guys talk bad about women in their 30s like they’re just desperate to get married etc. But I’ve found them to be great partners, and alot of them really have their shit together- just like many men in their 30s. Once you get to that age you really understand your life and yourself

  18. **20s**

    * Still figuring themselves out and getting their shit together, tend to be more of a “blank slate” if you will
    * When it comes to expectations from men, they tend to more extremes: they either have very low expectations, or have very highly unrealistic expectations
    * If they don’t have much dating experience, tend to be more naive
    * More likely to want to do “fun” things like party, etc


    * Tend to be more in tune with what they want and who they are
    * When it comes to expectations, much more likely to know exactly what they want, but expectations tend to be higher overall
    * If they’ve had bad dating experiences in their 20s they haven’t gotten over, they will carry it over
    * Tend to be more stuck in their ways

    Bottom line, these aren’t so much concrete so much as women in their 20’s and 30’s are probably more likely to be this way. Good and bad for dating either, pick your poison.

  19. Dating in my 20s was like “Let’s hide the problems and past traumas until it blows up in a totally unrelated disagreement.”

    Dating in my 30s is like “Let’s talk about this shit early so we don’t waste anyone’s time.”

  20. 29M here and I’m reading a lot of interesting takes. As somebody who’s dated women in their 20s, 30s, even their 40s, I can safely say it comes down to the individual. Upbringing, experiences and overall core values. I’ve dated some great women in their 20s and some really awful and confused women in their 30s (one actually believed she was Cleopatra reincarnated because of a past life regression, I shit you not… She used it as an excuse to play numerous men) and vice versa. The women in their 40s knew it was past time for them to have children but still didn’t want to waste time and settle down. It didn’t work out with them for an array of reasons but I’m still friends with most of them as with some of the 20s and 30s ones I’ve dated.

    I’m currently engaged to a wonderful 36 (soon to be 37) year old.

  21. Women in their 30s and beyond tend to be a lot more bitchy and less willing to actually put any effort into a relationship.

  22. Honestly, all I ever hear about in media and in academia sometimes regarding men and women is how “women mature faster than men” – often implying they’re better. While I don’t want to sit here and act like one is better than the other, I just think that’s bullshit, and you can see that when it comes to dating. Women in their twenties are extremely immature. And from my personal experiences, there are plenty of mature, good guys available in their twenties that women just flat out ignore or reject – often because they “don’t make six figures.” Half the time, those same women can barely hold a conversation, let alone a deep or mature conversation about anything. They cheat left and right, lie all the time, and have the attention span of a rodent. Granted a lot of that is a generational thing now, that is what I have observed over the past few years. Really not trying to sound sexist here, there are plenty of women who don’t fit what I’ve described, but there’s more and more of that^ in the younger women.

  23. Women in their 20s are fucking dumb. Women in their 30s are fucking crazy.

  24. many positive things about women both age groups. But the aggressive self victimisation of women above 30 sticks out. men are the same but more on the sad side. It’s also harder to find women who care about their looks and keep working on their attitude above 30. Same with men but it’s more often about alcohol and lack of social interests

  25. Girls in their 30s are easier to pick up, but probably are better than the girls in their 20s. On average girls in their 20s have better bodies but 30s girls aren’t bad because they’re mature enough to look after themselves where as 20s girls are just naturally hot from being young etc.

    I would much rather date a girl in her 30s now that I’m 28 because I was cringe as a 20 year old and so are the girls so there’s big icks there

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