Especially when your family is vastly different from theirs.

  1. I have no desire to change who I am to be liked. That said, my BF’s family loves me. Just be who you are.

  2. Overwhelmingly, giving them their first grandchild. We have always liked each other, but our bond really grew strong once kids came on the scene.

  3. Nothing. Ik they won’t ever accept me or him. I don’t have a problem with that. It’s not something like our relationship is bad it’s just they think he’s a bad person. They neglected him when he needed a loving family the most so he lashed out. I will agree he wasn’t the best kid growing up but considering what happened to him and they just turned a blind eye I can understand his distaste. Im fine with this reality, and I stay strong for him so he can have the support they never gave him.

  4. My family is an older family, his is much younger. My parents are the same age as his grandparents, my cousins are the same age as his mum. His family is very different in many ways, one that’s a new one for me is discussing politics and world news, I never really talk about it with my fam as let’s just say we don’t see eye to eye. It kinda makes me uncomfortable with all the debates, it’s like visiting the House of Commons for tea. That said I love a debate, just not usually with family. Honestly I’ve not changed myself to fit it, but I have upped my knowledge of politics and world news. Now I’m actually watching PMQ and reading about politics, mainly watching the shit show what is my bumbling PM. It’s helped me fit in more just because I talk more nowadays.

  5. Nothing. I could have moved mountains for them and they’d be pissed I didn’t part the sea

    Some people are just determined to dislike and misunderstand you

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