My partner(29) and I(27) ended our long term relationship just recently. I’d like to hear your thoughts about me asking one of his close friends to keep him company or simply check in on him from time to time. Is that a wise move?


  1. It all depends how you ended it, do you think he is going to do something bad to himself? why do you want to keep tabs on him – why are you worried about him so much?

    Personally, it’s something i would do just because I want to know what is going on in his life – im simply nosy. it’s not because I think he would try to hurt himself, but because I want to still have some control in his life. It’s bad, i know.

  2. Years ago an ex of mine was very upset, I didn’t think he’d self harm or anything but I knew he was isolating himself. I text his best friend – who didn’t know we’d broken up – who agreed ex probably wouldn’t talk about it and arranged to meet up with him. It’s something I’m glad I did, but you’ll know better if the situation is right for your ex and his friends

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