Vast majority of women I come across — regardless of which age bracket they belong to — tend to complain that only a handful of men are interesting and worth their attention (setting aside looks/money). I realized that my bros/pals rarely ever say the same about females. I have met/befriended my fair share of women, and I wouldn’t call most of them uninteresting/boring, at least not to the extent/proportion women appear to make it out to be.

So, my fellow bros on Reddit, what’s the deal?

  1. The level of how interesting are the same, it’s just one side expects the other to entertain them

  2. Your point is reflects the fact that different things interest women and men.

    But guys who live out their lives gaming, have little to talk about.

  3. I don’t think that it is accurate at all. It will vary from person to person and sex/gender has nothing to do with it. I usually figure if someone is saying that there is a problem with “most” or “everyone” then the problem typically isn’t with the population being talked about, but more so with the person doing the talking.

  4. Men tend to deviate more across all spectrums when it comes to personality, lifestyle, IQ, etc. I think if women say that most men aren’t interesting it might be due to how women tend to be more picky when choosing a partner. This is just an observation based on evolutionary psychology though.

  5. Well, it’s really a matter of perception.

    Women tend to have very high expectations of men and are pretty picky about what they consider to be interesting.

    Men have much lower standards. They don’t really care at all unless they’re relatively high status.

  6. Well there’s a reason for it. Women typically know that they’ll be included in your interest so it has to be of such that interest them as well. For example, traveling, outdoor sports, charity and etc typically would make a women be more interested with you because they can see themselves joining you but things such as gaming, keeping the house clean, lego blocks and etc would give the opposite effect where they can see themselves not wanting to be included.

    Reverse the roles and men typically don’t mind what a womans interest are because we’re not as social as they are so if we gonna join them, we will, if not we’ll just do our stuff. We don’t have to feel the need to be included in whatever they do.

  7. I’m going to go off of a gut feeling and say you are missing the vital part of what women tend to say when they complain about that;

    “men are interesting and **worth their attention**”

    Men look for someone to give a chance. Women look for reasons to not give men a chance.

  8. I think when you speak in generalities men are more interesting than women, because men have more and varied interests than hobbies than women do, but again that’s just a general statement. It all depends on the individual.

  9. Funny. According to every man I’ve ever known, it’s women who are the more boring sex. The problem is women expect to be entertained and men expect women to have similar interests.

  10. women mean attractive when they say interesting, and they also expect a guy to do all the work in a conversation

  11. Funny you should ask that. Because the vast majority of the men I come across have the same complaint about women. Boring, vapid, shallow personality, with no hobbies or interests beyond whatever they’re binging on Netflix this week.

  12. That’s funny, my experience is that woman I’ve met have very minimal hobbies or anything outside the fact of just drama/ going out. “Like cool you got a job, you got a apartment, you got a cat, what do you do on the weekends?oh…. Go to the club and drink, maybe take insta photos…nice…” “oh you like the gym… cool… that’s more of a self care thing then a hobby so still not particularly interesting, oh watching tictoks…”

    was so refreshing to meet a girl who was Obsessed with her garden… I was like… wow that’s fucking cool… I ain’t never gardened before but seeing her that interested in it got my attention lol. You being invested in a job or school is cool but I can’t really take part in that so I don’t really weigh that as something interesting unless we’re in the same field.

  13. I love it when anyone of any gender blames others for their own shortcomings! The real issue is why they cannot connect in a way that is meaningful to others and not just them, them them!

  14. I wouldn’t say accurate at all.

    All men and women are different. I’ve met both men and women who are interesting and some who aren’t. All comes down to my personal interests as well and how much I have in common With them.

  15. Men aren’t going to say that because it’s considered more problematic for them to do so. That’s mostly why none of your dudes have said that.

    But there’s plenty of the sentiment around. It’s subjective, though. More a consequence of people having different interests and means of expression than either one being particularly true.

  16. I disagree. The opposite is more true. From my experience men are far more interesting to chat to than woman. I’ve had some great intellectual/geeky discussions with men that have gone on for hours. The same can’t be said of women however whose conversations are somewhat limited after a while. This is one of the great reasons I prefer male company to female. I don’t think women being much to the table to be honest besides the obvious.

  17. The only people I’ve ever met that aren’t at all interesting are the ones who find most people boring.

  18. I have heard this mostly from perpetually single women.

    Perpetually single men say something similar, but it’s less about ‘interesting’ and more about ‘not crazy’.

    When people think that the problem is everybody else and not them, the problem is usually them.

  19. Most men are, naturally, average. There’s nothing wrong with that, but in a world where we are shown the most exceptional individuals ALL THE TIME (in lifestyle, wealth, looks, etc.). It makes the average man look worse in comparison.

    Women have the fortune and misfortune of having something that makes them exceptional to most men (sex) even if only for a short time. Men don’t have the equivalent.

  20. This is rich.

    It is SOCIALLY expected for men to be interesting or else they can’t attract women. Most women generally have to show up. Course this doesn’t mean they don’t have hobbies or passions, but it’s generally a bonus and not as an indirect means to attract a mate. Why?

    Women are inherently valued, although that value goes down as they age.

    Men are externally valued.

  21. The most interesting woman I have ever met is gay.

    Straight up has a shit ton of hobbies she always talks about and it’s the HOTTEST shit ever. But she prefers women.

    I have 3 gay female friends who are almost just as interesting.

    I love lesbians.

  22. Absolutely not. This is so wrong i suspect a woman is pretending to write this from a man’s point of view.

  23. In my experience men are interesting with interests in video games, sports and fun experiences while women I talk to struggle to talk to don’t have any interests.

  24. 🤣 yeah, that’s so not true.

    Women don’t even have to be interesting to attract men. Try being a boring guy, and see how you do in dating.

  25. I don’t think this is true. In my experience, it’s simply that women expect more from men than men expect from women in a relationship, because women are more emotionally complex. Obviously that’s a massive generalization and everyone is different, but that’s my overall theory.

  26. Not at all. There’s plenty of women that are boring as watching paint dry.

    ‘Interesting’ is in the eye of the beholder.

  27. Just because women don’t find our hobbies interesting it doesn’t mean that they *are* uninteresting.

  28. As a guy in my 40s I dated a 20 year old, people asked me what we could possibly have in common, funny enough the same thing I found I had in common with 30-40 year olds. It seemed most women regardless of age were only interested in the latest trends, fashion, media.

    Having said that, my wife is into classic muscle cars, pinup art, video games, and Space aviation. Shes rebuilt an Inline slant 6, and loves ratrods. I would be insane not to marry her.

  29. Everybody has their own hobbies, and you need to understand why that is.

    Personally I know that there are maybe ten other people on this planet who would be interested in mine, but that does not make then or me wrong.

  30. most women sit and wait for the audition while offering less than half of what they expect.

  31. As a man? entirely inaccurate.

    Women are interesting as well, but a large amount of what makes them interesting is just them being women. If sex were not a thing then women would be objectively less interesting than men.

    I have never had the privilege of arguing the ethics of the Great Crusade with a woman because none of them are interested in Warhammer 40k.

  32. For my interests as a man, women are boring AF, but it’d be unrealistic to expect from them the same interest on stuff that I like.

    On the other hand, women I know say that about men that don’t do what they want them to do, or act like they want them to act.

  33. I wouldn’t agree to that at all. I’ve met only a handful of women that had interesting hobbies and passions other than Netflix and bar hopping while I’ve met a lot more men that did more than get drunk and play videogames all day.

    But most people are fucking boring to begin with. The majority of folks are going to work, binge shows, and probably drink full stop as far as hobbies go off the clock. The problem is that women expect to be entertained while men don’t really care about that.

    I’d counter what are these women doing with their lives that makes them able to call other people boring.

  34. I think being that youre going off personal experience its more likely this just simply isnt true

    Just like the idea women cant be funny.

    Im fucking hilarious personally

    As are many women.

    So lets not pigeon hole folks based off their sex.

  35. Women often expect you to be entertaining in some way as part of the relationship.
    Men don’t have the same expectation of women.

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