More of a brainstorming, not really advice seeking exactly. Input is fine.

I’ve been trying to work on better social cues. But I am not good. I guess I over share, don’t know the next logical progression goes in conversations go. Where to end it for now or carry on. Or maybe that’s all there is and the convo is just left where it is.
Because otherwise I’m fairly shy and silent.
But when I get comfortable with a person, I’m a chatter box.
If I trust you I’ll tell you about a pimple on my taint without a second thought or shame if you asked. Lol

But I try to be positive and friendly. Engaging. With pen pals online. It’s easier than in-person encounters.

I’m not diagnosed autistic spectrum. But I have some suspicions. But I feel “abnormal” compared to many people.

1 comment
  1. I totally get what you mean😅 I remember when I went on a date with some guy, I over shared everything because he was really the easiest person to talk to. And when I’m with my step siblings, I over share as well. I came to realize that, it’s actually anxiety. I felt anxious to continuesly talk because I didn’t want a “awkward moment ” which to me was dead on silence.

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