I shot my shot with a guy some time ago, at my gym and asked him if he has a gf, and he said yes. And after that I didn’t approach him out of respect for him and his relationship. However he’d respectfully and platonically would talk to me here and there, nothing out of the ordinary.
I Recently found out from a mutual friend, that he no longer has a girlfriend and have noticed he now finds reasons to talk to me almost every time he sees me. He hasn’t mentioned he’s single to me nor has he asked asked for my number/social media or anything flirtatious of that sort. Am I his rebound? Cause I sure don’t want to be. Is he not interested? Is he probably still trying to work things out with his ex? I try to keep my distance cause I don’t want to get involved with his process of “healing” from his prior relationship. What should I do? What does this all mean? 😅 we’re both in our mid 20s if that matters at all

1 comment
  1. Ask him. We can’t tell any better than you can. He might lie, he might tell the truth. Just be aware, as you are now, that you might be a rebound.

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