is it ? my girl hates it and thinks i want them and not her cuz i watch it every once and while

  1. Cheating is different for different relationships. In my relationship(s) this is not cheating. But for some, it is. It needs to be a discussion between you guys

  2. It’s absolutely not cheating, but depending on what you watch, it says a lot about you. Please don’t support porn where women are violated and dominated. Also make sure the porn is legit and not some video where it’s not even clear if everyone involved consented or not.

  3. No.

    She’s finding it hurtful because she thinks that she’s not enough for you and that you’re looking for something different in the porn you watch. But she doesn’t understand that there are different emotions and different needs to get out that you wouldn’t specifically want to do with someone you care for. It’s just a different release for you.

  4. Nobody else’s opinion matters but hers. It’s about her boundaries. You either respect them or you don’t.

  5. after we have sex i don’t watch anything but it’s been a while i do watch and jerk off

  6. i watch regular shit, no rape i hate that. regular as some anal stuff curvy girls fatass type of thing of course consensual stuff.

  7. No, porn isn’t cheating. And boundaries are about how people treat you and your own body and sexuality; you can’t set a boundary for how people interact and deal with their own bodies and sexualities. That’s called a request.

    So she can ask you to not watch porn because she’s insecure or uncomfortable with it. But her insecurities are hers to deal with, not yours (though you can give reassurance that watching porn doesn’t affect how you feel about her). I personally don’t think that’s a reasonable thing to ask a partner.

    But if that’s a request she insists on making and she sets an ultimatum around it, then it’s up to you to decide if you’re okay with that. The biggest thing I’ll say here is don’t agree to give up porn then go back on that agreement.

  8. Depends on the boundaries of YOUR relationship. Some people think it is while others have no problem with it

  9. She should Imagine you not being able to cum while you’re tucking her UNLESS you watch porn

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