I’m bothered by the fact that the guy my girlfriend is trying to be friends with might be developing a crush on her. she doesn’t have any friends in med school which is why she’s clinging to him but she says he seems slightly suspicious and makes her a little uncomfortable
people around her say it’s obvious he has a crush on her.
Their first conversation, my girlfriend said she was looking to be platonic friends only (because they were vibing)
but he poked her thigh a couple of times and then her waist.
she asked him to stop thrice before yelling at him in class the next day. they’ve since established no touching but i still feel like he’s wooing her. they text a little and they talk almost everyday (short conversations once or twice a day). Me and my girl are both a little uncomfortable with the situation, what should she do?
p.s guy said he has a crush on someone else but i think he’s trying to get lucky
p.s2: both me and my girlfriend have adhd, anxiety and a history of abuse (family, toxic relationship respectively) and PTSD
ps3: she feels sad about it and she doesn’t trust herself around other people, she second guesses herself all the time and it’s difficult for her to be rude to people. she’s scared of cheating on me (i know for a fact that she would never cheat on me)
ps4: i think this question is becoming more on how to deal with a toxic past more than how to have a good platonic relationship with someone of the opposite gender

  1. She should stop talking to him… if he has a crush on her it will only develop more. Having a platonic friend with the opposite sex you never feel awkwardness like this not even at the beginning. I have two guy friends that are completely platonic and not once have they ever made me feel uncomfortable with unwanted touching. A real platonic friend won’t make you feel uncomfortable or awkward

  2. >Me and my girl are both a little uncomfortable with the situation, what should she do?

    Based on this story she is stacking some validation from other guys, not a good sign.

    She clearly knows he likes her and she keeps him around as a sucker orbiter, she needs to cold shoulder him.

  3. Stop talking to him. If people can’t act right, gotta set boundaries. If he continues after it’s made clear.. file a restraining order.

  4. If he’s making both you and your gf uncomfortable why is she still trying to be friends with him. The hole thing sounds off. Idk what’s going through your head I would say she has to pick you or him because a woman would be around a guy that makes her uncomfortable. So personally I think she’s lieing be cautious my friend

  5. I didn’t have to establish a “No touching rule” with any of my friends regardless of gender. If a guy pokes me without my consent (no matter what the nature of the relationship is), he gets a slap. She expressed her wish three times, that she doesn’t want him to touch her and he carried on. That’s sexual assault/harassment. This is not my opinion, it’s a fact. Their relationship is toxic. That’s besides the fact that he’s being flirty. The poking thing is creepy.

  6. If it’s platonic it wouldn’t be awkward. She can find other friends who respect her boundaries more. If she feels awkward why even bother with him?

  7. Guys and girls can’t be just friends. Guys are just waiting for an opportunity to bust in like the damn kool-aid man. Don’t believe me? Have your girl test her “guy friend”. Have her text that guy friend, “I’m horny” and watch what happens.

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