its not like i have bad friends or anything. i really enjoy hanging out with these guys but i doubt that they are as good as the 3 best friends you see in a movie. the ones who go to each others house everyday and can talk to any time of the day.

  1. Making friends is so hard! Lol. Finding someone who shows genuine interest in friendship is definitely ideal. Just gotta keep talkin to peeps and if you guys start vibing and things start to click, boom, you got yourself a friend, hopefully, for life.

  2. Yeah it can be tough since we also change. I hungout with an old friend from highschool and he was just miserable. He kept making snide remarks and being cheeky as he said but I wasn’t with it.

    I stated I listened to an audible book and he said “wow your so lazy now” ???? Like whaaat dude? I read and listen to books. He seemed too bitter (but it’s his fault he choose that path)

    It was a bad experience altogether, I wont do it again. I pray to God, for a good group of friends.

    But def keep trying!

  3. As a guy I personally have had better luck finding meaningful friendships with girls than with other guys, I’m generalising and this is purely from my experience but I find that they’re generally more emotionally available and more open to forming a deeper connection, assuming you get along of course.

    I grew up surrounded by women though so I always jut got along better with them than with other guys so ymmv.

  4. You don’t find them, you find people. Find any people, talk to them, and if you click you’ll become friends. Whether you find a meaningful person is up to chance but don’t get obsessed with the idea. It won’t help you.

    What it will do is make you less successful, quantity of people met produces a more likelier quality than finding a quality person somewhere that’s probably nonexistent. Like Musicians to songs. 100 songs, yet only 1-10 make it, with varying degrees of quality. Only those ones are put into public eye, just as these few people will make it to friend level.

    Just go wherever you like going. Doing activities should like and chat up

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