What’s the worst or “cringey” breakup line or experience you’ve ever had?

  1. My friend was literally told “Go my moon, find another star that will shine with you” ???

  2. Dated a guy in college for only 5 months or so. Things weren’t really going anywhere so we agreed to meet up and talk. I hadn’t been sleeping for a few days for some reason, so when he suggested we take a week to not talk and think about our future, I went along with it.

    Week goes by and we sit down again. By this point I was sleeping great and had all the clarity I needed so I came right out and said it was best we just go our separate ways. He looked shocked and said, “whoa, I was really expecting to break your heart tonight. Now you’ve kind of ruined that for me.”

    My dude, wtf.

  3. I didn’t want to date the guy so not a break up, things had started out ok and very flirty, good convo etc, but he got really intense so I distanced myself.

    In response he said that I was ‘a mystery, an enigma’ (I have adhd. I overshare everything. If I’m not chatty there’s a reason) and then proceeded to write several poems regarding me (with direct references to previous conversations) and posted them to his Instagram.

  4. My ex from college straight up ghosted me instead of breaking up with me. We ended up becoming friends a few years later and he tried to feed me some crap about how he did that because he was afraid of his feelings for me and I was too good for him blah blah. I know it’s total bullshit.

  5. I break up with him the night before my trip and he said “i hope you’ll die in Russia bitch”

    Me and my friends are still laughing about that.

  6. So I had this guy in 5th grade who believed we were in a relationship. Told him 5 billion times “no” and he didn’t get it.

    At the end I just paid a friend of him 5 bucks to tell him I am breaking up. He didn’t bother me after.


    best 5 dollars ever spent.

  7. We only dated for a couple of months but he sent me ~30 voice messages explaining how his ex gave him chlamydia and he stayed with her for 3 years so there’s definitely someone out there for me that will love me even if I give them an std. It was odd.

  8. My ex of eight and a half years and I split amicably to begin with because I couldn’t figure out why the relationship was failing.

    He said we needed some time apart but I was ‘the love of his life’ and that ‘he wanted to become the man I needed him to be’ and there was hope of us getting back together at some point in the future.

    What he neglected to tell me was that he was fucking the woman who his ex best friend has a child with after I’d already asked him if anything had happened between them because they had been acting suspicious. He said that they were ‘just friends’. 🙄

  9. A guy deadass used “It’s not you, it’s me” line and I was naive enough to fall for it..

  10. “i wish things didn’t turn out this way”

    well, it did. because of you. you cheated on me. because ‘it seemed fun’ and you ‘wanted to try to make me jealous’. literally the reason things turned out this way.

  11. Not exactly a break up as we weren’t dating as we lived in different countries, but we were planning to, or so I thought. My family was about to visit his country anyway, and so we could meet.

    He was depressed and under the weather all the time, which is something I can deal with, that was not the issue. I tried my best help him, but it ruined my mental health too.

    He was getting more and more distant, until the point that he told me he didn’t want to have anything to do with me and proceeded to end his “break up” message with “I would say thank you for the ‘happiness’ you gave me, but you don’t deserve it”.

    He did this about a week before the trip lmao.

    I still met him, because I wanted to confront him and see if he had the guts to say all that to my face. He was so terrified that his friend (who also became my friend too) picked him up from the bench he was sitting on and dragged him in my direction. He could barely look at me in the eye. It was kinda funny

  12. “I can tell you are looking for your ride or die and I can’t be that…” because I didn’t want to be in the poly relationship he never told me that we were in…

  13. I had a guy suddenly stop communicating with me and flaking on me in college after a month of casually dating. When I told him I wasn’t interested in seeing him anymore, he told me ‘I was hoping you’d chase me a little, you know, work for the relationship” Bro, I won’t even chase a bus, I sure has hell am not chasing after a man.

  14. During college I guy I was seeing came a bit of a distance to see me during holiday break. Went to a movie and then we were hanging out in my parents’ kitchen. Out of seeming nowhere he says / asks we should get married. Was. Not. On. My. Radar screen. I blurted something about not being ready for that, was planning to move out of state at the end of the next semester.

    So I didn’t realize it at first, but once school is back in session, he’s ghosted me. I didn’t even know we had broken up! Lol. Oh well. Then in the cafeteria I see him with “Lala” a truly beautiful student who was nothing like me at all. Then I hear they’re engaged.

    Fast fwd several years and he’s visiting my town, can’t find a way to locate me, reaches my brother and demands that I meet him when he’s in town. WTF. Maybe he wanted to officially break up with me. Yeah, but no.

  15. “I had a dream and in it we were together for years and you said I’d ruined your life, so best we break up now so that doesn’t happen down the line”

  16. His mother was there for the entire thing. This man was 30 years old and he still needed his mommy with him.

  17. I broke up with my ex and he was living with me at my parents. I told him we were done and he didn’t want to leave. He sat on the top of the stairs crying obnoxiously until my dad yelled up the stairs “Go back to your moms house if you’re going to cry like that!” He finally left after that lol.

  18. Not mine but in college two friends of mine were dating each other. Before going away for break, the guy decided to break up with the girl by giving her a sock and saying “you’re a free elf now Dobby” and then trying to dip out. She chased his ass down and demanded a conversation. I remember just shaking my head at it all

  19. i was in late middle school, been dating this guy for a few weeks (kid me was pretty head over heels for this guy) and when he decided to break up with me he literally did it in front of all his friends. tbh i couldn’t tell if he was joking or not because he was giggling while telling me “i want to break up with you” which left me having to ask “are you being serious?”

    it was very awkward because all the guys in the group were laughing and mocking the situation, and the few girls that were there started to apologize before i quickly ran off and started to cry from embarrassment.

    Edit: for those asking; how this happened was I was at work, I started my shift and realized I needed to take my birth control. So I went back to my stuff and quickly took my pill. My boss saw me while he was on break with a bunch of other guys and started to question me on what I was taking. I kept telling him nothing because I felt he didn’t need to know this. It turned into a back and forth before he threatened to write me up and send me home if I didn’t tell him what I took, so it left me feeling like I had no choice but to tell him and this group of guys that 15-16 year old me was taking her birth control pill.
    Beyond inappropriate for my boss to do considering I was left to disclose that information in front of 10+ guys who were all much older than me. He tried to give me some half assed apology but I refused to accept it. I should’ve gone to the owner immediately and threatened legal action for that, but I was beyond scared I’d just be flat out fired and get into more trouble.

  20. A guy I had been dating for over a year dumped me over a text because he was “bored of me not paying him enough attention”. Honestly it was a toxic relationship so I was relieved to find a way out and move on. He came back a few weeks later and said that we hadn’t really broken up because he only wanted to scare me and make me realize how much he meant to me. Naturally I told the guy off and he answered with “To be honest I didn’t want to go out with you at first because of your body, but now I do like it and I want to keep sleeping with you” 😀 Like wtf that’s not a compliment ???? Also later I found out he cheated on me during the entire relationship

  21. Told me he just wanted to be single for a while. Started dating a mutual friend the very next day.

  22. Knowing I believe in ghosts and I’m petrified of them I’ve been told ” don’t worry ghosts are not real I promise I’ll not hunt you “

  23. When I told him that I wanted to break up with him, he acted like I didn’t think about it, and actually told me things like “no, you’re thinking clearly. it’s not you saying that. you’ll reget it” and stuff like that, as if I was out of my mind or something.
    He almost started go threathen me when I said that I was serious and that I actually wanted to end things with him. “No, you’re not breaking up with me” he repeated over and over.

  24. I collect vinyl records. I got a vinyl record from a band I saw with him in the mail. No explanation, just that record at my doorstep. Maybe some find it sweet, but it just gave me the ick. I just kept it and didn’t do anything else

  25. i remember he’d say beaucoup mushy gushy on the cringe side things because he was on the softer and childish side but i dont have that good of a memory anymore with exes lol

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