Interested to know which football club you support and why you started supporting the club. If you have some time would love to hear from you guys in the comments.

  1. Arsenal, grew up in East London. Every one in school supported west ham or man utd. My cousin who lived with me at the time was an Arsenal supporter so just followed suit.

  2. Rangers. My dad’s side of the family have supported since the early days of the club in the 1880s

  3. Arsenal. My neighbour was a huge arsenal fan whose grandad used to take us to games.

  4. Spurs.. dad is a Liverpool fan, and when I was little (4-6 kinda range) watched spurs v Liverpool.. I said I was supporting spurs as Liverpool was his team, and spurs won, so I stuck with it.. and I’ve been pretty miserable ever since ha

  5. Arsenal. My mum grew up 2 streets away from Highbury and all my uncles are huge fans so I’ve got that Arsenal dna in me.

  6. Cardiff. Born there, live near there, dad supported them and took me since I was 6.

  7. Liverpool. Born there. My brother supports Everton so I couldn’t support them now could I?

  8. Liverpool — because my stepdad supports them and I started watching football during the last World Cup

  9. Swindon, my grandad used to go, my dad went (and still does) so was only natural I did too.

  10. I support Spurs because my dad told me we support Spurs basically from when I was born.

  11. Ipswich Town. My dad didn’t have a team until he did his national service in Felixstowe, and being there everyone supported Ipswich, so he started to. Because he was, I am, and they used to win stuff when I was a kid.

  12. I support Nottingham Forest.

    I would barely regard myself as a football fan at all, but I’d somehow manage to collect more Forest trading cards at around the age of 7 than any other team, so chose that. At the time I was living in the South of the UK. At 9 I moved to the Midlands and, as an adult, moved to Nottingham. As a result I’ve been to see a few matches in the past, particularly with some of the “classic” players on the early 90s.

  13. Ipswich because of my Dad. Sometimes I wish I’d inherited a team that are actually good but that’s life I guess.

  14. Newcastle. I remember asking my dad what “supporting a club” was. He wasn’t really into football but used my grandad supporting Newcastle as an example so I thought I’d follow suit. Probably would have ended up supporting them anyway as I was born within sight of St James’ and everyone I knew supported them

  15. Millwall because of my dad. He moved down from the north when he was a child and a family friend worked in the ticket office at the time so he used to get free tickets.

  16. Cardiff City. I am from Cardiff. Highly illogical, I know. There wasn’t a lot of other options, except maybe Barry Town.

  17. Liverpool.

    I’m from Manchester, grew up a few miles from Old Trafford, though most of my family are staunch City fans.

    I can’t even remember why – it certainly made growing up there a bit more difficult. Plus my teenage years were when Man Utd were winning everything.

    I now live in Southampton, where Liverpool are about as popular, having been seen as poaching a few players a few years ago.

  18. Norwich City FC. I was born here, I live here, and I will probably die here.

  19. West Ham because my Dad supports them. He had no professional team around him for 60 miles and West Ham used to do a pre season friendly at his local non league club once a year. Sir Bobby Moore used to come down and he was really nice to everyone. He ended up living in the East End for 6 years too when he went to University.

  20. Chelsea

    I grew up London, my dad and grandad were both born just off the Fulham road so Chelsea was their local club. I didn’t really get a choice.

  21. Arsenal, grew up watching champions League games for free on ITV in the early 2000’s. They were a great team and Freddie ljungberg used to have all sorts of different colour hair which I thought was cool so I picked them

  22. I’m 63 and have supported Chelsea since I was 10. The reason being? I watched the 1970 FA cup between Chelsea and Leeds (final and replay) and decided whoever won I would support. So glad it was Chelsea as I come from London originally

  23. Watford. My Grandad and his family were Arsenal supporters but Watford were local to whete they were living at the time so used to go and take my Dad to Watford in the 50’s which made my Dad a Watford supporter and he took me a few times when I was a kid.

  24. Hibernian, my brother took me to my first game when I was really young and a couple of players ( John Blackly and John Brownlie ) came out to inspect the pitch they spoke to me and tossed a few coins in the air asking me to guess heads or tails I picked tails and they said I was correct and gave me all the coins. Supported them ever since.

  25. Manchester City.

    When I was 6 years old (I’m now 35) my uncles took myself, my brother and some of my cousins to a match at Old Trafford as they are all United fans. My uncle took us to a shop afterwards to buy myself and my brother a united shirt each. Well I didn’t like this. My uncle says I crossed my arms, stamped my foot and said “I want a City one like my daddy!!!!” He bought me an Ireland rugby shirt in the end. Nearly 30 years later I’m still a City fan like my daddy.

  26. Chelsea. Liked the blue shirts they were wearing when I was about 5.

    My whole family supports West Ham so my dad tried to change my mind for years

  27. Manchester City, I’m from Manchester and got my first season ticket for my fifth birthday, so 1982. Had one ever since.

  28. Chelsea, because my late dad supported them, so I continue that support in his memory.

  29. West Brom.

    Born in West Bromwich. All mums family WBA supporters, all dad’s family WBA supporters. I had no choice basically.

    Ironically I now live in Wolverhampton with a wife whose entire family are Wolves supporters.

  30. Wrexham

    Dad heard me ask for a Man Utd shirt back in 1993 when I was 8yrs old, Said he wouldn’t have me glory hunting and to be fair he was true to his word….

  31. Spurs through thin and thinner. I have family that came from Tottenham, and was told I was a Spurs fan before I knew what football was! I’ve been to see them play a few times, and my son and partner are both Spurs fans too.

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