We were discussing lunches at work today and when it was time to share my lunch time treat – Cold Fish Finger Sandwiches – my announcement was met with scorn and disgust.

For context, I cooked the fish fingers last night popped them in the fridge overnight and made the sandwich this morning with Warburtons white bread, lightly slated butter and a dollop of tartar source. The Sandwiches sat in the fridge at work until I was ready to feast.

Am I wrong here or are my colleagues uncultured swines?

Edit: They were Tesco Fish fingers

  1. Ewwww…

    Reminds of food I had at a works canteen in a central european country (it’s one of two but can’t remember which). Friday lunchtime they had battered/breaded fish and what looked like sauteed potatoes. So I thought “cool I get to try ??? style fish and chips”. They were both cold 🙁

    Edit: typos

  2. We tend not to eat white fish cold because the steam turns to water, the texture changes, and it’s less pleasant. If you think about it, the fish we do eat cold regularly are all oily fish – salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, etc – with a higher oil and lower water content. But you do you if you like it.

  3. They do firm up nicely when cooled, straight from the oven can end up a bit of a sloppy mess. Not sure about the next day though, but wouldn’t offend me.

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