I saw the recent post about what are the chances of getting cheated on without knowing at all, so I had to ask.

  1. To be honest it’s actually really easy to know if your partner is cheating on you especially if you’ve been with her/him long enough to know their habits and patterns. When those habits or patterns are inconsistent then something is off, that’s your cue to discuss and investigate what’s going on.

  2. Long time ago, we were both about 20ish.

    I found a list of boys names on a piece of paper… I recognized some of them and mine… I wasn’t the last name on the list.

    I had moved country for this girl 😂

  3. Left her group chat open. I saw that she’d been sending pictures of the guy she’d been shagging on the side’s dick to her friends.

    Never had any warning signs. Turned out she’d been seeing this guy on and off since we got together.

    Left with no explanation, then ghosted and blocked her.

  4. Suddenly she had new bite marks and hickies in places which only I should be the one allowed to see and plunder.

  5. When I saw how differently she behaved around certain people. She was negative, defensive and standoffish with me. Like my presence was a burden or I was getting in her way.

    Next time it was just me and her she was overly accommodating, like suspiciously nice. Wanted to know if anyone had spoken to me about the previous night and what they had said. When I was leaving she had this weird wide eyed expression, probably the same look I used to give my parents when I was pretending that I hadn’t been out all night drinking and smoking with my friends on a school night. Trying to look innocent but it’s obvious something is off lol.

    It didn’t really occur to me what all that suggested until a long time after and then it just hit me like a ton of bricks one night while sitting around ruminating.

  6. She acted distant towards a friend of my brothers after we had all been pretty much hanging out a lot together.

  7. A friend of mine who worked with my ex told me about how she went home with a coworker the three nights before she and I broke up, and had lied to everyone saying she and I had already broken up

  8. For my girlfriend that cheated on me I could tell by the tone of her voice when I spoke with her over the phone. I flat out told her “you cheated on me last night, didn’t you?”.

    For my wife she she “I want an open marriage. Wedding vows mean nothing. It’s my body and I will sleep with whoever I want whenever I want.” Pretty obvious. We are divorcing.

    I think I am done with relationships. Women are really F’d in the head.

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