Am a basic bro who fucked up…bad.

I have a thing for someone who was deep in a media community that I’m really fond of. Wouldn’t call them an influencer but they are an established member of that quasi-subculture and I’d looked up to em for years. I didn’t think I’d actually meet this person but we ran across each other and…

Immediately I’m being flirted with, explicitly, sexually…**I couldn’t believe it. My fucking heart skipped. Dream come fucking true!!!!!**

I panicked because I didn’t want to make it obvious I was *really into this person .* So I acted like they were annoying me. I kind of talked down to them and tried to intimidate them with my own clout. I have also ghosted their DMs before.

Crush has not acted that way since. We’re still talking but when I express interest I get a lot of “maybes” which is basically a coded no as far as I’m aware? **They literally went from enthusiastically offering to date me to dodging the topic whenever it comes up.**

I fucked up. I thought playing hard to get would work how do I fix this? I am so mad at myself :<

If context helps, crush in question is introverted, stressed nerd type person, but more media-savy then a normal nerdy person would be. Another complicating factor is there’s an established partner involved that said crush is hot/cold with. They keep breaking up and getting back together -revolving door on it.

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