I cringe at it now, but equally I’m pretty sure that the first time I saw it my reaction was probably “Aah, that’s cute. Yes, why not live, laugh and love, eh? I mean, where’s the harm in that?” Little knowing how wrong I could be..

  1. I always felt it was tacky but I don’t exactly keep up with fashion.

    I guess it did largely become tacky because of the type of people doing it.

  2. Always naff. Same as the keep calm and ……. Fad. Naff of the highest order

  3. It’s frightfully twee and always has been. I think the whole ‘Keep Calm and ______’ thing with its origin in wartime morale boosting was OK initially but was milked so badly it’s become insufferable (it has at least gone away again for the most part).

  4. **It was of its time.** A pleasant sentiment that didn’t mean anything much, but it sounded nice.

  5. You lot over analyse too much and find issues in non-issues to make yourself cringe or mad

  6. I don’t think it was initially naff but it got old very quickly. I think there was maybe a two week window where it was acceptable as a positivity mantra

  7. No, it was always naff.

    now “Keep Calm and Carry On”, that is the one I liked when I first saw it and became shit through overuse.

  8. With anything like this, there are two types of people who are into it.

    You’ve got the people who genuinely love it, think it represents them, and don’t give a crap what anyone thinks of their taste. Fair play. Everyone’s taste is different.

    Then you’ve got the defaulters. The people who don’t actually know what their personality is, so they just go with whatever is popular. It’s these ones that end up all having the exact same decor and wearing the same clothes and making the same wine jokes because they just don’t have anything more individual to put there instead. It’s these ones that give group one a bad reputation and everyone makes fun of.

    A lot of people who really genuinely love the live laugh etc stuff probably feel too embarrassed to admit it these days, it’s a shame.

  9. I might be a basic bitch but I like the sentiment. I have had to make a rule that there are no “quotes” in my house because my house would end up looking like a B&M version of the school toilets.

    “This kitchen is for dancing”

    “In This House We….”

    “All you need is love”

    “A little sand between the toes always takes away the woes”

    “But first, coffee”

    And of course, live laugh love.

    Maybe I could make a nice coffee table book of all of the basic bitch quotes lol

  10. Makes me think of those crockery sets, where the items have in large text things like “bowl” and “coffee”. Text as decor is largely not my taste.

  11. It was quite new not too long ago. We went from ‘Protect and Survive’ to ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ and now back to ‘Protect and Survive’ again in one lifetime. Great…

  12. Better than ‘Gym?? I thought you said gin!’ or ‘Let’s be-Gin’ or similar.

  13. It was always naff. Going to be downvoted for this, but it’s always been the realm of a certain type of person. Same as crushed velvet, chairs with door knobs on the back, and the colour grey.

  14. My house came with some LLL decals, and I’ve kept them. It’s actually quite an important message. Don’t forget to be happy, folks. It’s easy to do.

  15. There an entire company called East of India that comes up with this shite and markets it en masse to the same shops that sell crushed velour nik naks and all that mrs hinch type stuff.

    Not sure why they have made their name so similar to the Middle Ages naval company, however.

  16. No joke my mum is called Karen and she has a live laugh love sign in her house. Eeee. I love her tho. She’s super cool but my god.

  17. Aside from the tackiness, I also feel like it gives me the ick because it’s usually a fake sentiment. The women who have live, laugh, love plastered on their living room wall are usually more likely to bitch, judge, argue.

  18. I like it. Optimism and kinds thoughts are good. The internet is just full of miserable bastards.

  19. It’s always been shit. The end.

    Don’t even get me started on that bollocks that people write on their stairs, that gets plastered all over Facebook. Fuck me.

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