A couple of examples of small things that irritate me are: when a website requires you to enter your postcode and it doesn’t automatically update all the letters to upper case. When you open a packet of medication and the information leaflet is on the side of the packet you opened. What are small things that irritate you?

  1. Packets of stuff (usually bacon) that says “peel here” and the plastic is still very clearly glued down.

  2. People who spell two words as one. A lot, a bit, at least, as well etc are all TWO words but it seems nobody knows that anymore. I wish there was an alot bot to stamp it out.

    Obtrusive website ads and cookie pop-ups, especially when you’re trying to get a simple recipe or read a couple of sentences of a short article. Just makes me not want to bother.

    Convenience food with peelable lids but only the edges peel off. Lidl is terrible for this.

  3. When someone leaves the bathroom floor wet and you get a wet sock. Especially when you only just put your socks on.

  4. – Forgetting to charge phone at night
    – Finding pairs of socks
    – Flies
    – Clutter that needs sorting, but anything else is more interesting
    – The relentless sports news on the news
    – being asked if I have a loyalty card at every checkout for the last 9800ish days . I don’t. And no I don’t want one today.

  5. When you search train times and it tell you journeys can’t be in the past instead of just displaying the current times.

  6. People being in unnecessarily loud.

    Walking around late at night talking loudly, chatting through movies in the cinema, teenage boys that all compete to have the loudest and most croaky sounding laugh.

  7. People who stand and wait to cross the road less than 10 paces away from a crossing. Also people who walk past a crossing and then cross.

  8. Organisations making you change your internal network password what feels like a ridiculously short time. I know why they do it, I’m very much on board with more Internet security. But in one of my previous places of work I basically came up with a system that I felt was less secure than just using the same password for six months, because I was sick of having to ring IT when I came back from leave.

  9. Pretty sure the leaflets in medicine packets are put on the right hand-side of the packet so that the majority of people who will open it with their right hand will see the leaflet first.

  10. Subscription services or memberships that make it really difficult to cancel, I don’t know it’s allowed.

    A gym i went to around 2015ish which I signed up online and was a member for a year or so required me to bring in a signed formal letter to say I was leaving, I had moved to a different area so it was annoying to go back. Cunts

  11. Toast crumbs in the butter

    People who wear too much perfume/cologne on the Tube

  12. Having to create an account on a website to buy something.

    If a website integrates Apple Pay, you can often bypass this, but if an online store wants me to create an account and that takes more than 30 seconds then I just won’t buy the thing.

  13. The sheer quantity of adverts on Youtube. I was listening to a playlist as I working under my bed and as I get stuck in, a 10 minute advert plays and I was in a awkward position so I didn’t have any choice but to listen to it.

  14. I can fix the medicine box problem for you. One end of the box will have a QR code and batch info on it, open the other one.

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