For example, we wipe our phones down with antibacterial wipes as soon as we get in the house everyday
I’ll use the downstairs loo at night to avoid waking anyone up when I flush

  1. Every third full moon, one of the children has to sleep in a shallow grave clutching a rat’s skull and a single forget-me-not.

    Not that weird though I don’t think. Not like we share a poop knife or anything.

  2. Our family has a special whistle – so when we’re out and about, we could whistle in a shop / wherever and know exactly where the others where amongst everyone else.

  3. We have a Halloween tree, a 6ft black tree with purple lights. We cover it in bats, skeletons, pumpkins, orange tinsel etc. Spookify it for the season. We put it up 2nd week of october along with the rest of the decorations (inside and out)

  4. We play ‘the advert game’ when watching TV. You’ve got to guess the advert before the name of what it’s advertising is said. It can get very heated… the winner gets ribbed that they watch too much TV

  5. My brother and I would receive our Christmas presents in literal stockings, like m&s black stockings, one each full of presents. It’s a bloody nightmare to get down the stairs on Christmas morning, but it’s how it’s always been…anyway, it wasn’t until I was in my 30s and my now wife pointed out it was not normal…

  6. I thought that *furthest-away-toilet-at-night* thing was something everyone did. Well I join you in weirdness then, OP.

    As for our house, when we’re pissed at each other we drop into character voices, and the characters have never been mad at each other ever. Kids included.

  7. My parents do the don’t flush at night thing (only one loo) and I don’t get it. I’m not leaving my poo unflushed in order to not cause noise. They do though and I find that odd.

    Also to add… at Christmas my dad dresses up in a Santa outfit and is always the one handing out presents to everyone and we open presents one by one. Before they open it, it must be passed around and everyone has to guess what the present is. It makes the present openings last all day, great fun but when I explained it to people they think it’s very weird!

  8. When our son was 3 he carried a blanket around with him constantly, declaring it was his friend and its name was ‘Gluey’. The name stuck (pun intended) and henceforth all blankets we have owned have been called a gluey. This was 15 years ago.

    A couple of months ago I’m fairly sure the couple behind us in Wilkos thought my better half and I were batshit when they *very clearly* overheard us debating which gluey would match the sofa better/be more comfortable.

    The insanity spread to my parents too, who call all their blankets ‘Gluey’.

    I’d like to tell you this is an isolated case…but I can’t. The term ‘Madder than a box of frogs’ springs to mind when trying to describe our family.

  9. No bath/shower after 9pm in our house… god forbid I was to blow dry my hair after this time!! Thought this was the norm until my friends took the piss.

    I’m now a full blown adult and own my own house, live alone… still never have a bath after 9pm, Iv been so conditioned 🤣🤣 xx

  10. When I lived with my parents we had baked beans with macaroni cheese. I assumed everyone had it this way, it goes well together. I was 30 before I moved in with my girlfriend and she says nobody else does this. I’ve asked many people and nobody else has it with beans. I assumed everyone else did. My wife doesn’t allow it when we have macaroni cheese for dinner, we have it with bacon in it, no beans on the side.

    Also, we always called “sleep” (the stuff in your eyes in the morning) “sleepy dust”. It never occurred that’s a childish name. When I was about 25 I was at a friend’s house and I referred to sleepy dust. The room went quiet and someone asked what I just said so I just repeated it and they laughed. I still cringe a little that I was referring it to sleepy dust as a full grown adult.

  11. We have a point system for who can roast the other the hardest. 5 or 10 depending on how savage. No one ever wins, it’s just for prestige.

  12. We use letters a-e as code for each of our snuggle positions. For example when we go to bed really tired one might say “straight to position D tonight?”

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