How do you feel about your first love now?

  1. Indifferent. Neutral. It was a childish and immature expression of love; Necessary on the road to becoming a more mature person able to experience love more deeply, but ultimately not a serious ripple or impact on the story of my life.

  2. Still miss him tbh. Still check to see if he watches my Snapchat stories lmao. I think it doesn’t help that my current relationship is with someone really shitty so I romanticize the past even more than I usually do

  3. It’s that “ew, what the fuck was wrong with me” kind of feeling lol. I’m indifferent to him. The very few times I’ve seen him, I found myself annoyed because our personality did not vibe lol. Grew up and became different people.

  4. Totally indifferent. Different me, different lifetime. I can’t even remember his last name.

  5. We got married a year ago in April. Sheer luck and we’re an obvious exception to the rule. It just worked on our behalf despite it taking several years for us to find one another again.

    How I feel this current moment in time? Paranoid. I know he’s good at what he does but I still feel a sense of fear because I’m human and a huge sissy.

  6. Not sad, mad, happy, or anything. We had fun when together. Life just worked out in a way it wasn’t ment for us to stay together. I had been through several bad and toxic relationships before him and he showed me there are good guys out there. Gave me hope for the future. So if I really feel anything towards him is maybe thankful for that hope and wish him well. Cause with that hope I ended up finding my now husband. Been happily married over 11yrs now.

  7. Not great. I acknowledge that it was my first love. We made so many plans. He had psychological issues though. He ghosted me, that term didn’t exist back then. It’s so cruel. But thank god he did. My life would have been fucked if I had of committed to marriage and kids with him.

  8. I still love him, or, at least, the idea of him.

    It’s funny — I met up with him a couple years ago, and we realized we both feel the same way about one another, right down to the fact that we know it’s not rational or practical or anything like that.

    But then we agreed that we can forever be each other’s muses, and parted ways without spoiling anything. Sometimes you just need that little bit of perfect that you can’t spoil.

  9. Nice guy, just not for me.
    He’s married with kids and seemingly doing well.
    No regrets.

  10. I wished they’d found the happiness they deserved.

    I learned a few years back, after reconnecting with him on social media, that he died of an overdose. Based on where he was in life, I suspect it was intentional.

  11. Like a step below of hatred. I’m traumatised as shit from that relationship😆

  12. I’m still dating him! I decided to stay away from relationships until college, and he’s shown me everything I’ve been missing out on and more. I hope he’s my last love, too.

  13. Partly glad it didn’t work out. Life moves on, so can’t keep looking back on the “what if it did work out?”

  14. They’re still doing the same bullshit to other girls that they did to me. I hope he seeks therapy, but I doubt it lol.

  15. I think he turned out to be a fairly awful person? The jury is still out on that one, I guess, since we’re not in touch. But I’ll love him forever. Absolutely and completely.

  16. I love that man to death and he loves me as well. Although following separate paths now he still has a golden spot in my heart for all that he represented in my life.

  17. I think I’ll always care about him and like to know that he’s doing well. I want him to be happy and have a good life.

  18. I don’t know who I consider my first love. Love seems too strong a word to describe any feelings I had for people I was interested in..?

  19. This sounds stupid..

    I never had a school crush or a cute neighbor, no my crushes were always fictional characters, I fell in love with Severus Snape when I was 8 years old and I watched the whole Harry Potter series over and over again only to see Snape and that was was my first love, I still think he’s handsome.

  20. He pasted away but if he was alive I would wish him so much happiness and love as he was a great person. I don’t think we’d be together now but no ill thoughts or wishes

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