Doesn’t need to be feasible, just something that interests you.

Example: A remote drone for pulling and maintaining data and electrical lines in utility vaults.

  1. I invented the light bulb. But someone stole it exactly like this.

  2. Had an idea for a three panel garage door with a man-door incorporated into it. You could open the smaller door without having to open the whole garage door. Worked out the mechanics of making it happen but then found out it was already a thing. Their design was much more elegant.

  3. A moving company for hot climates where the trucks are refrigerated. That way you cool off slightly every time you collect a box from the truck.

    Would be insanely cost prohibitive and never work though since reefers aren’t the most energy efficient thing and opening/closing the doors would get annoying so people would just leave them open. Plus I imagine you’d probably need some kind of special permit for the reefer unit. 🤷‍♀️

  4. This is a million dollar idea:

    Limb sleeves. Like clothes, but only for your arms (past the elbow) and legs (past the knees). Optional hood over your face. It’s for when you’re partaking in nudist activities and also want to even out your tan.

  5. A non-corrupt government that works for the interest of the people. (You said it doesn’t need to be feasible).

    BTW: Your idea of a drone for pulling cables through vaults (and overhead cable trays). I already have one of those, it’s called an apprentice.

  6. When I was a kid, I made spring-shoes. Looking back, it wasn’t the safest invention, as there were rusty nails sticking out everywhere.

  7. Why isn’t there an app that lets you decide what kind of ads appear in your life? Say i want to shop for bikes, soap, and houses. There should be an app where I input this information, and I get targeted ads that help me shop for what I need.

  8. Like I’m gonna put my idea on public media for all to see so someone could steal .

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